Jack Frost meets the king of Arrendelle

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Elsa also has ice powers and she knew she had it since she was young. But Anna on the other hand didn't know that she had fire powers, until she grew up (we'll come back with that on the following chapter).

The king (still Elsa's dad) still believed in the guardians, even though he grew up. But he haven't told the story yet to his family.

One night, Jack frost flew to arrendelle to look at kids, until he reached the palace. He went on the balcony of the king's room, where he found the king alone. The king saw him and they told each other's story. Then, the king heard young Elsa calling "Mama, papa!". The king, the queen and Jack run to the halls. The queen carried little Anna, saying "She's cold!"
"How about you go to the trolls you were talking about, your majesty?" Jack said to the king. No one else could see nor hear Jack except the king. So the king said "I know where we should go" and he searched for the book where he hid the map to the trolls.

He opened it and the map fell. The king picked it up and told jack to freeze the path they would go, in case they get lost because the king didn't want Elsa to know yet that he have powers and yet make Elsa think that she froze the path. Then a boy followed them but wasn't noticed.

The royal family talked to the trolls who were pretending not to see Jack Frost. When they went back to the palace the king asked the servants to close the gates, windows and doors. The king told Elsa that he have ice powers too and gave her his magical blue gloves but the queen didn't say a word and went to Anna's room because she remembered why she fled from her kingdom.

The king also told Elsa stories about him and the guardians and Elsa believed on them all her life. Then after a while, Jack told the king that he need to go back to the other guardians and look after other kids but he would come back. He also promised the king to never forget them and never tell anyone about Elsa's powers, even the guardians.

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