My Fingers Are Lazy

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I have the laziest set of fingers

A bunch of ugly ugly buggers

They won't hold nor grab

Won't even fancy a jab

They can play a few notes

Just a few and they gloat

If they reach hard, they complain

And play the music with disdain

They hate to work and hate to write

They don't even like to type

They're so tricky and so clumsy

That ends the day in tragedy

Once, I tried refilling a pen with ink

Oh why didn't I used the sink

Because it all spilled to the floor

And stained the office floor in horror

If you hand me a new cellphone

It will surely make you groan

The cellphone will meet the ground

Scatter in pieces with awful sound

Please don't hate me, I can't control them

They're so lazy, it's like mayhem

They don't listen, they don't follow

I'm helpless, so I swallow

But there is something that I notice

Something odd, something freakish

They only like to work alone

Teamwork is really not their throne

The thumb is the happy guy

And springs at every best buy

He appreciates a good job

And shows himself to give a shove

The pinkie is the friendly one

Your secret's safe with this one

But she can be insulting and meaner

Indicating how small is your gender

The ring finger is a sucker for fashion

Jewelry is her passion

But she can be very loyal

Wearing that wedding ring like royal

The index is high maintenance

He points and crushes the budget with poignance

He's creepy when he calls

Either to seduce or to scold

Lastly, be careful of the middle finger

He's grumpy, and will curse you like a hater

But he's sensual and can give you pleasure

Even up to climactic seizure

So now I came to realize

How lucky am I to size

That I have these fingers to help me

Each with a function with glee

That they may fail as a team

But individually they give me esteem

Each are such a good blend

And I am glad I have ten    

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