Chasing Girls

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Why do chicks, want you to chase them.

Stand in each call like it's the national anthem.

And come the big fight, though your fault it's not.

They will deny it, like a goddamn robot.

No text, no 'hi'; the days gone by.

No food, no food, no apple pie.

And, ....if you wait too long, to end the game.

Fault shifts to yours (I'm sorry buddy), you are to blame.

They want you to chase, go for it.

In the end you won't regret it (maybe).

Hang in there pal, I know it's hard.

Coz' loving them, is its own reward.

And, if you did make that grave mistake,

Relax, coz' she'll bake you, like carrot cake.

But if she smiles with a mystic glow,

Run you idiot, she's gonna go psycho....

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