Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

"Well, well, I didn't think we'd actually find you or here." A semi-deep male voice spoke to my left.

"Especially on a dark night like this." This time, to my right, a female spoke. "I'm even more surprised that Sapphire isn't with you. After she marked you I would've thought that she'd be all over you."

"Who are you guys? I asked, my voice lower than usual.

"You don't remember us? Well, maybe this will jog your memory."

All of a sudden, I heard the leaves rustling. There was a sudden chill I the air. I then heard low growls erupting from both sides of me. The same two wolves that have been bugging me for the past two months were now in front of me. I groaned, I was really getting tired of this bull.

I stood up. I was even more annoyed than how I was before. I punched the gray wolf that was standing to my right in the snout, then I kicked the light brown wolf to my left in the lower jaw. "Can't you two get a life and leave me the hell alone!?" I yelled.

Bad move on my part though. The two wolves just snarled viciously at me. Man, how the hell did they even find me anyway? The brown wolf lunged for me, but I dodged the attack, which caused it to knock into the gray one. I started running back towards the house, but I knew I wouldn't make it inside. Those type of wolves could cover more ground than a regular wolf. They caught up to me and blocked my path.

I saw the light in the house was on. Sapphire must've went inside after I ran off, I mean, I didn't see her outside. The time I need her to defend me, she's not here. Great, just perfect.

"Don't think that too soon."

My eyes widened when I saw Sapphire's black wolf standing behind the other two wolves that were after me. Artemis was next to her and so was Jen.

"Luna!" My sister called out as she ran towards me. She grabbed me tightly and pulled me into a tight embrace. "Don't ever disappear like that again, do you understand? I thought I lost you."

"How did you know I went off?" I asked as she let me go.

"Sapphire told us. She said you stormed off after an argument. After we get it through her thick skull that you could be in danger, Artemis and I went with her to track you down." Jen paused.

I suddenly felt horrible for getting so angry earlier. Damn, I've been going through some major mood swings. There had to be some way I could make up for it.

My thoughts were shaken away when a sharp yelp echoed through the air. I turned and saw two wolves laying still on the ground. One of them was Sapphire. Everyone froze and watched as one of the wolves from earlier slowly walked up to her. It put one of it's front paws on her neck, and began to push down. I realized she was being chocked. The wolf then leaned down and bared it's teeth, aiming for her neck.

My heart dropped at the sight, but my sister wouldn't let me out from her grip. She knew I wanted to help, but she didn't dare to let me go. All I could do was watch to see where this fight would go.

Sapphire's POV

I watched as Luna walked off into the woods. I was so tempted to run after her, but she probably just needed space. What confused me the most was the little outburst between us. I mean, I didn't think she'd get so upset over the fact that I got kissed by a past fling, but I'm new at this whole committed relationship thing.

I sighed, letting Luna go for now, and went inside. My mouth dropped as soon as a opened the door. To my surprise, my sister and Jen were practically all over each other. Their tongues were down each other's throats. Jen was holding a chunk of Artemis' hair while she used her other hand to grip onto her shoulder. She had her legs wrapped around my sister as she attempted to rock her hips against her. Artemis snaked her hands under Jen's shirt, probably digging her claws into her back. They were moaning like wild animals, and it almost made me gag.

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