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Finally the day came.

I rolled- well, fell- out of bed with a smile on my face. Okay, so maybe it wasn't really a smile, but I was in a good mood.

I dressed into gray sweatpants and a Panic! At The Disco t-shirt, quickly gathered my teal Nike duffel bag, and ate a quick breakfast. After brushing my teeth and tossing my hair into a loose side ponytail, I was out the door.

I arrived at school with twenty minutes until the bell. Since we were going to a Civil War re-enactment, I decided to go research Civil War battles in the library.

The battle that interested me the most was the Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest battle in the Civil War with over 23,000 casualties.

I must have been zoned out because I nearly screamed when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I whipped around, "Danny!"

He had that simple smirk on his face, you know the stupid one guys do when they think they did something funny.

"The bell rang ten minutes ago," he pulled me to my feet, "and we are about to board the buses."

"Shit!" I quickly grabbed my duffel and ran out the door, trailing after Daniel.

The buses were almost full when we arrived. Trevor hung out of the window, waving frantically. Following his lead, I tossed my bag into the under compartments of the bus and climbed the steps.

Like I thought, most of the seats were taken. I spotted a seat by Kenny and quickly sat down. I barely had time to say 'hi' before the bitch herself showed up.

"Uhm, excuse me? What are you doing in my seat?" I cringed at the sound of her voice.

I looked up to see Hope glaring at me.

"Your seat?" I challenged.

"Yes, my seat. Now move." Jeez, if looks could kill, I'd be dead.

"Okay," I shrugged and got up. Danny sat two seats behind, with no one sitting with him. He patted the seat beside him and I sat down.

I didn't realize how tired I was until I woke up to a stabbing pain in my left ankle.

Prepared to yell at whoever was violating my personal space, I stopped when I saw Kenny absentmindedly poking my leg as Hope droned on about how horrible it was that nerdy girls were beginning to look better.

I smiled. I mean who wouldn't? If your cru-er-friend was doing that, I think you would smile too.

I looked up at the back of his head that was lolling off the side of the seat, and I could see him inching away from the She-Beast.

"Pssst!" a hushed whisper broke me out of my trance, "Paige!"

I looked around to find the mystery voice.

"I'm in front of you. It's Kenny."

My attention was driven back to his head, which was now turned to the side so he could see me.

"Hey, what's up?" I used the same whisper he used.

"Help me!" he pleaded with his eyes, "She's killing me here!"

I rolled my eyes, "Now you see it."

This earned me a sideways glare, "I'm serious! Danny likes her, tell him to switch me sea-."

"Excuse me?" Hope had realized we were talking and was now sitting on her knees to see over the tall seat.

I shrugged, "It's okay, it happens to the best of us... Oh, wait... In your case it would be the worst..."

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