Chapter Nineteen

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~Time Skip~

So that month passed.  Kyle ended up asking Nicole, so I was stuck with Stan yet again.  Now, I waited at my house for the boy to pick me up.

"Are you excited?" my father asked.

"As I'll ever be," I half-ass cheered.

"(Y/N), I know you aren't fond of the boy, and I am not either, but don't let your attitude ruin his or your night.  Just have fun.  He cares about you, I can see that.  I know you are still holding onto the Wendy thing, but I know he is extremely sorry for it.  You've held it over his head for almost a year, and he's waited for you to forgive him.  That takes something special.  That takes love," he stated.

Right after his spiel, the doorbell went off.  My father answered the door as I waited in the living room with my mother.  Stan made his way into the living room, and he looked like a prince.  The tux looked so good on him.

Maybe Dad's right.

I sighed as we took pictures.  Once we were done with that, we got into his pickup to get Kyle and Nicole, who agreed to ride with us.

"You look gorgeous," Stan commented as we got in.

"Thanks," I muttered.

"When are you going to stop being angry at me?" he asked.

"I don't know.  When are you going to give up?" I replied.

"Why haven't you moved on?" he asked.

"Because you won't.  I can't move on knowing that you'll be hurt.  Why have you held onto this so long?" I questioned.

"Well, this entire time, I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I knew you were worth it," he smiled to himself.

I held back tears, "You know, sometimes people need to fall apart before they can fall back together."

His eyes widened, "Does that mean what I think it does?"

"Stan, I love you," I grinned.

He grabbed my hand, "I love you, too."

We pulled into Nicole's, and the two got in the back.

Nicole gasped, "They are holding hands."

"You know what that means," Kyle smiled.

"Please tell me it's permanent this time," Nicole narrowed her eyes.

"Oh trust me, it's permanent," I kissed Stan's cheek.

Stan smiled until his face changed and he pulled over to throw up.

Man, I love that boy.

*A/N: Howdy guys.  First I want to say thank you for reading.  Your votes and comments mean alot to me.  Also, thank you for sticking around my random updating.  I know I really don't have a schedule when it comes to updating, and it probably gets a little frustrating.  THe end took my a while to update on because I've been feeling really off again lately, but I'm trying to push through it.  Okay, so I so far have two stories planned to com out next.  I decided to expand a little and the next one coming out is a Deidara x Reader, so if you like Naruto and the Akatsuki, you should check that out when I have it completely written and my updates should be more often.  Once I'm done with that, I plan to write a Kenny x Reader, which I know was requested.  Anyways, thank you for reading.  You guys do really mean alot to me even if I do a crappy job at recognizing it, just remember that.  I hoped you like this one.  Okay, bye guys, love ya!*

You Have to Choose (Part 2): Stan Marsh x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now