•Chapter Twenty-One•

Start from the beginning

"Well, that's all we have time for today! See you-" Jack starts but I don't hear the end because I am already out the room. I knew I didn't want to do an interview.


As I turn the key again and again in my hands, a grin forms on my face. I love this key. It symbolises my freedom and the fact that I'm not trapped anymore.

It's now nine thirty and I'm waiting for everyone to go to sleep so I can go and meet Tobias. I don't know whether I want him to have watched the news or not. What would he think of it?

Tobias knows I might not be able to get out on time as I told him last night that Peter's sleep patterns aren't regular so I don't worry I will be late.

Suddenly I hear the light turn off from Peter's room so I jump out of bed.

Soon enough I am in the ballroom and turning the key in the lock to open the door. I gently close the door behind me as the wind whips around my face, and look around with my torch.

"Tobias?" I call out quietly.

"I'm here!" I here him call back and whiz around to see him jogging towards me with a backpack.

He surprises me by pulling me into a hug as soon as he gets close. Of course I hug back. I love his hugs.

"I missed you." He mumbles into my neck.

I giggle and pull away. "You only saw me yesterday, idiot."

He smiles brilliantly down at me. "Still too long."  I look up, the moonlight luminating his facial features, and smile. He is so handsome. He smiles back at me, his arms still around my waist.

Suddenly his eyes widen as if remembered something. "I got you something!"

He bends down and pulls the backpack off his back and opens it. I gasp as he pulls out daisies, identical to mine from the market. "You left yours at mine and they died so I went to the market and bought to some more."

There it is again. These feelings. What is he doing to me?

"I love them, Tobias!" I say taking the daisies and hugging them to my chest breathing in the outdoorsy smell that I crave. "Thank you so much!"

I give him another hug and bury my head in his chest. He wraps his arms tightly around me.

"I saw you on the news today." He says when we pull away. We sit on the floor like we did yesterday and I groan and cover my eyes.

"It was terrible!" I groan.

"You were fine!" He says pulling my hands away from my face. "You didn't have to defend me by the way."

"Of course I had to!" I reply. "You're my friend, and I'm going to defend you if someone is talking rubbish about you."

"Yeah, friends." He looks down but then his head shoots up as if he remembered something else. "Oh, I need to ask you something."

"Ask away." I say.

"Did you meet someone called Al, while you were at Dauntless?" He says and my mind flashes back to my time in Dauntless.

"Yeah, he was friends with Will and Christina. I only met him once though." I explain. "Why?"

"He turned up at my apartment yesterday, asking if I knew where you were." He says leaning back on his arms behind him.

"What did you say?" I ask cautiously. Al never knew who I really was.

"I told him to mind his own fucking business." He shrugs.

"Tobias!" I gasp trying to stop myself from laughing. 

"What?!" He answers innocently.

"He didn't do anything wrong!" I defend.

"Yeah well, I don't like him so..." He shrugs again and I laugh.

He looks down at his watch and frowns.

"I'm really sorry Tris but I should really get going," Tobias says guilt in  his eyes. "I have work in the morning and I need to get up early."

"Oh, it's fine! Don't worry." I say trying not to show my disappointment.

"Thanks Tris." We stand up and I brush my dress to wipe off the dirt. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Yep." I smile. "Thank you for the flowers."

"You're welcome!" He smiles and puts his backpack on before running off.

I smile at his retreating figure. What have I got myself into?


Wow, long chapter! :o Sorry for any mistakes. :/

Tris is feeling something! Is Fourtris on it's way?

I hope you all enjoyed this early chapter! Thank you for reading!

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