Chapter 7: Into The Forest... again?

Start from the beginning

Cool. Meet you downstairs. 

I'll be waiting, beautiful.

Oh please Potter. 

I grabbed Hermione and rushed downstairs where Ron and Harry were waiting for us. 

"Alright, so what's the first step?"

"Well, Ron and I haven't been getting any of these vivid dreams and visions like you two have been. So you need to tell us what you've been seeing so I can help."

"Then what do I do?" asked Ron. 

" can stay out of the way." I said as he rolled his eyes and sat on the couch. 

"Okay well first I saw, Snape-"

"And a ring-"

"Yeah and a museum-"

"And I'm pretty sure it involves a bird?-"

"Oh and the ground was in it too-"

"Also um this swirling portal thing-"

"Wait a portal?" asked Hermione interrupting both of us.


"Accio bag!" she said as her small side bag came zooming towards her. She stuck her hand in it and pulled out a large book once again.  

"Portal..... Portal....Portal.. Aha here it is. Portals. A deadly yet magical illusion. Produced correctly, a portal may take you to any period of time you wish. Used incorrectly, a portal may turn into a black hole and consume everything in its way, ending all of mankind, muggles and all." she read aloud. 

"Lovely." I said. 

"That's intense mate." said Ron patting Harry on his back as Hermione groaned. 

"So we could end the whole world?" asked Harry. 

"Basically." responded Hermione. 

"Wonderful." I said once more. 

"Okay then what's our first step?"

"Well, maybe we should try to retrace the steps from what you guys did before."

"Good idea." I said trying to think of the first thing we did. 

"Um there's something about spiders?" said Harry.

"Bloody hell! I'm not going! You can't make me live through that again." exclaimed Ron. 

"Ron, please stop overreacting." said Hermione rolling her eyes. 

"Let me see what I can find about a ring."

"Here! This ring can transport anyone who touches it, to any time period in a flash."

"Okay but I have a question. We don't seem to be in the wrong time period. So where are we?"

"Another dimension?" asked Ron. 

We all just stared at him blankly. 

"Anyways..." I said looking back to Hermione. 

"I know where we started off!" said Harry. 

"Perfect. Where?"

"Hogwarts. In the forest."

"Wait, hogwarts?"

"Well how are we gonna get there?" asked Hermione. 

"Mum would never let us." stated Ron. 

I suddenly heard George and Fred laughing from down the hall.

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