Epilogue Part 2

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"I wonder why they let Pokémon into the wedding", Ritchie whispered to his friends. They were all dressed up and waiting for the wedding to officially begin.

"Pika?" asked Ritchie's Pikachu Sparky.

"Don't get me wrong, I am glad", he responded.

"Probably because of Lucy, Meowth, Lily and Logan. It would have been uncomfortable if they were the only Pokémon allowed to hang outside of their balls. Actually, I don't think any of them even have Pokeballs", said Misty. "Besides, I do not even have a Pokeball for Articuno. Ever since she hatched I have been carrying her around in my knapsack".

"I think Pokeballs are going out of style", said Dawn. "I only put them in their balls when I have to".

"There are so many people here", Sakura commented. "I was a bit surprised that I was invited, since I really didn't know them until about two years ago. I never expected that there would be over one hundred guests, plus their Pokémon".

"Knowing James, they probably invited everyone's whose name they could pronounce", Duplica responded. "I bet they even invited their mailman".

"I noticed all the Kanto gym leaders and frontier brains are here", Zoey noted.

"I saw some Hoen, Johto and Orange Island gym leaders too", said Gary.

"And some of the professors from those areas as present as well", Tracey added.

"Cynthia, Drake, Aaron, Lance and a few other members of the elite four from various regions are here as well", said Ritchie. "Even some who I have never met before".

"I thought I recognized some of those Team Magma and Team Galactic agents that allied with us when we went up against Team Firestar", said Dawn.

"There are Team Plasma, Team Aqua, and Team Flare leaders here too. I guess that they were invited since Team Rocket is now allied with all of them", Serena added. "Makes sense, since Jessie and James were the ones who brought them together, even if it wasn't intentional".

"They said they wanted a big wedding, so I am not that shocked that they went a little crazy with the guest list", Misty replied.

"Marril Marril", said Marril.

"Coo cooo", cried Articuno.

"And to think, everyone in our party gets an all-expense five-day paid vacation. I think this wedding was a great idea", said Forrest.

"I agree with you", said Autumn. "Brock and I really needed this break".

"How much longer until we can take our seats?" asked Max. "I'm kind of getting tired of just standing out here".

"Any minute. The wedding will not start until everything is in place. The bridesmaids, who include me and Rumika, and Delia, the matron of honor, have to be ready to go before the ceremony can begin. So does the groom, best man Mondo, and the musicians, which are Lucy and Meowth", said Misty. "But we will be the first ones in because the wedding cannot start without us".

James' grandmother came out the tall white gate that bordered the outdoor chapel and gestured for them to come in. the enormous crowd started to fill up the chapel. Every human guest was allowed to bring up to two Pokémon with them. Misty, Marril, and Articuno joined Rumika, her two Butterfree, Lucy, Delia, Delia's Bunerary and Espurr, and Meowth at the front.

"This is crazy. Who has a wedding with one hundred and ten people?" Misty whispered to Delia. "And Pokémon too?"

"Jessie and James, of course", she responded.

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