Chapter 78: Indigo Plateau part 2

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Everyone but Forrest and Max ended up making it to the top 20. Now it was the second to last day of the tournament and they had just two more battles each, unless they managed to make it to the final round. Most of the group decided to go into smaller groups so that they could explore the town some more. Cilan and Iris were talking in a smoothie bar on the other side of the village.

"You know I happen to be a smoothie connoisseur too, right?" said Cilan as he sipped his drink.

"No, but It wouldn't surprise me", she replied.

"I don't know why I am so nervous right now", Cilan responded. "I have been in tons of battles before, and I didn't even have much trouble facing my first three opponents yesterday".

"Well this is all new territory for us. Who do you plan on using?" she asked.

"I can't tell you that. You might be my opponent!", he exclaimed.

"I mean you only have eight Pokémon, and you have to use six if you make it to the final round, so I can probably guess anyway", she retorted. "By the way, remind me again why we are drinking smoothies? It's twelve degrees outside".

"I already told you. I am a smoothie connoisseur. I happen to know that this is the best smoothie bar in Kanto, Johto, Hoen, and Unova combined. Who knows when we are going to have another chance to come here? Don't you like it? The chocolate peppermint flavor has always been one of my favorite", he responded.

"I do", she answered.

"You seem distracted. What is it this time?" Cilan asked her.

"I am just thinking about our whole journey these last few months. It has been one really crazy adventure", Iris responded. "What were you doing this time last year?"

"Well, last Christmas I was in Hoen visiting family. You and I met up in Kanto after New Year's. You wanted to train with that Dragon expert out near the Seafoam Islands, and I had never been there before, so I agreed to come along. Before that I wasn't doing much of anything", Cilan replied.

"Oh yeah. That just seems so long ago, but I guess it really wasn't", Iris replied.

"We caught a lot of Pokémon this year. More than I have ever had before", said Cilan.

"And I now know everything there is to know about dragons", Iris. "Or most things, at least".

"I learned a lot about you this year too", said Cilan.

Iris tried to hide her blush using her smoothie, but it was to no prevail.

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?" she asked.

"A good thing, definitely. I think you and I make a perfect match", he explained. "Like an Illumise and Volbeat, or a blue and pink Nidoran".

"I was hoping you would say that", Iris confessed. "I'm really happy you like me".

Cilan got really close to Iris, making her even more nervous now than she was before.

"I don't just like you, Iris. I love you", he reminded her.

Cilan kissed her. The smoothie shop was fairly empty due to the freezing weather, and Iris was grateful that there was no one there to interrupt them. The two of stayed there for about an hour, until they realized that it was almost time for them to go battle. They decided to head to the arena, where their friends stood waiting for them. They were amazed at what they found once they got closer to the Plateau.


Never before had so many Pokémon and trainers gathered together for one event. There were people and Pokémon on the ground, in the air, and on the lake. The streets were packed tightly with bodies, all trying to make their way to the arena to see watch and/or compete in the tournament.

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