Chapter 81: The final round

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A couple of hours went by and Jessie and Ash were backstage of the stadium, getting ready to face one another in their biggest battle so far.

"Good, luck", said James' grandparents as they each gave Jessie a hug.

"I know you are going to do well, senpai. You have come so far", said Mondo.

"Jimmy just texted yous and said dat he is watchin de T.V. right now", Meowth read from her cell phone. "He also says dat Rumika is takin' good care of him and Annastasia so yous just gotta focus on yere battle".

"Text him back and tell him that everything is good and that I plan on winning this time", Jessie responded. "I have to go now. Make sure you answer my phone for me if it goes off".

"No problem!" they all said in unison.

Meanwhile, Ash was talking to Giovanni, Delia, Brock, and Misty on the other side of the backstage.

"Don't underestimate her", said Delia. "She has come a long way in the last year".

"She's right. Jessie has been know to demonstrate some incredible skill when placed under the right amount of pressure. Sometimes you can't tell what to expect", Giovanni added.

"Just do what you always do, your best", said Misty.

"Good luck out there", said Brock.

Ash and Jessie had one last word with their friends before they were called out onto the platform.

"This is the last match of the Pokémon League Annual Tournament here at the Indigo League Plateau in Kanto!" said the announcer. "Each trainer can use up to six preregistered Pokémon and substitute Pokémon from their own team at any time during the match. Are the trainers ready?"

"Yes", Ash and Jessie said in unison.

"Ok! Ash Ketchum has offered to choose his starting Pokémon first", the announcer declared.

"I choose you, Pikachu!" Ash shouted.

"Chuuuuu!" the Pokémon yelled as he took his spot in front of Ash.

"And I choose you, Aliyah!" Jessie announced as she released the Eevee.

"Well here is something you don't everyday. It is rare for one or more finalists to use beginner Pokémon in a tournament such as this. This is going to be a very interesting match", said the announcer.

"Good choice, Jessie", James cheered from the hotel room. "Go Jessie!"

"We'll show them some beginner Pokémon", Ash whispered to Pikachu.

"Chu", it agreed.

Aliyah looked back at Jessie. James had explained to her that Jessie would be taking his place, but she still felt upset by the arrangement, especially since James always helped her to keep her cool in front of large audiences.

"Pikachu, quick attack now!" Ash yelled.

"Counter, Aliyah!" yelled Jessie.

Pikachu got thrown back by his own quick attack.

"That isn't going to work", Ash thought to himself. "Use thunderbolt instead!"

"Dodge it, Aliyah!" Jessie instructed.

"Eeeeveee!" the Pokémon called as it ran from the thunderbolt.

"Try giving them a thunderbolt of your own", Jessie suggested.

The Eevee and Pikachu went back and forth between thunderbolt and Quick attack for a while. Ash decided to return Pikachu when he realized they weren't getting anywhere.

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