Chapter 70: Pre-Holiday Excitement

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Six weeks after the TR banquet...

After scoring another victory at the Skylet Contest in Viridian City, this time with the help of Mondo and Rumika, Jessie, James, Lucy, Meowth, and Rumika visited every gym in Kanto so that James could earn all the gym badges. With just three weeks until the Grand Festival, they all headed back to Pallet Town. They had decided to take over Delia's Pallet House, vowing to transform it into one of the hottest rendezvous in Kanto. They had hired dozens of workers and planned to build a bar, pool, and a larger inn next to the former bed and breakfast. Misty, Ash, Bonnie, Serena, May, Max, Drew, Ritchie, Sakura, Forrest, Harley, Clement, Iris, Cilan, Dawn, Bianca, Zoey, Barry, and Duplica had come to work for them temporarily, along with Teeshy and Brianna, who were already working for Delia. They had live performances on a nightly basis, usually staring Duplica, the Sensational Sisters, or themselves. Jessie and James planned on working in the kitchen a few days a week, but they also wanted to design clothing for Pokémon and trainers. Now they were packing up and getting ready to go to the Grand Festival, which was to be held in the Trainers' Village next door to the Indigo Plateau.

"It was nice of you twerps to stick around and help us pack up the House", Jessie said to Serena, Bonnie, Barry, and Clement, who were helping to close the indoor pool and hot tub.

"Hey, its not like we had anything else to do", said Serena.

"And we could use the extra cash", Clement added.

After the Skylet contest in Viridian City, Bonnie, Serena, and the other coordinators in their group managed to earn all five ribbons by participating in and winning various other contests throughout Kanto while James earned his gym badges. Now they were all set to compete.

"I made sure all the rooms were swept out", said Lucy. "And all the food is out of the refrigerators".

"And weeze also made sure dat dey were all unplugged too", said Meowth.

"Good. Do you know where James is with the baby?" Jessie asked.

"Right here, dear", James answered as he entered the room. He was carrying Annastasia.

"Is she warm enough?" Jessie asked worriedly as she walked up to the baby.

"I picked that coat out myself. The store manager said it was warm enough to keep a baby warm in negative ten degree weather", said May. She, Drew, and Dawn came up behind them.

"I know. I can't help but be worried about my little princess", said Jessie as she kissed her on the forehead and adjusted her tiny hat. "I want her to be as warm as possible".

"I packed extra hats and blankets for her", said Rumika. "You won't have to worry about her face or head getting cold".

"Good. We should get going. I will call Remy", said Jessie.

Remy was their private driver. He was going to pick them up in a private jet and bring them to the Trainer's village, where they would be staying during the Festival.

"I love you guys so much more now that you are rich", Max said as the jet approached.

"Gee danks", Meowth said sarcastically. "Feels great to be appreciated".

"Does everybody have everything?" Jessie asked as they got ready to board the plane.

"Yes, mom", said Misty and Ash as they walked passed her with their suitcases.

"Very funny. I don't want to turn around because someone forgot their favorite pair of Charizard underpants", Jessie said to Ash.

"Ayyyy!" Annastasia laughed.

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