Epilogue part 1

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360 days later, in Cerulean City:

"Ash! What do you think you are you doing? You are going to make us late!" Misty yelled from across the pool. She was in a dark magenta bridesmaid kimono and silver high heels, with an Articuno hatchling in her arms and a Marril at her feet. "You better get dressed right now. They are never going to forgive us if we don't get there on time!"

"Marril Mare!" her companion called out to him.

"Cooooooo!" yelled Articuno.

"Don't worry, I'm coming!" he yelled back.

"Ash Ketchum you have 20 minutes to get showered, dressed and in the car! You too Pikachu!" she warned.

"Pika pi!" yelled Pikachu.

"If you aren't ready by 8:30am on the dot then I am taking your car and leaving without you", she added.

"It's fine, I have plenty of time", said Ash.

Ash dove into the pool and swam across. When he got to the other side climbed out and joined Misty, Marril, and Articuno, who stepped away from him to avoid getting wet. Pikachu ran around the pool and climbed back on Ash's shoulder.

"You told me to check the filters before we left, that is what I was doing", he explained.

"I asked you to do that an hour ago", she responded.

"I got distracted. The important thing is that now its all done and I just have to get dressed and in the car", he told her.

Ash tried to wrap his arm around her but she dodged it.

"Don't you dare get us wet and dirty. Articuno and I just bathed. I spent an hour combing out her feathers. You have to go get showered, you are all gross and wet", she scolded."Make sure Pikachu is all clean too. And after you scrub Pikachu, don't forget to put that little bowtie a got him around his neck. Now hurry!"

"Geeze, I'm going. Come on Pikachu," said Ash. He scratched Pikachu on the head and they walked out of the pool area ahead of her.

"Boys", she muttered under her breath as she shut out the lights.

"Cooonnnna", the baby Pokémon chirped.


Meanwhile, in Saffron CIty:

Cilan, Iris, Autumn and Brock were boarding a private plane destined to the Kalos was wearing a custom-made tuxedo, made courtesy of Jessie and James, and Iris a brown kimono decorated with dragons that matched her eyes. Autumn and Brock's clothing was also hand-made by Jessie and James, and they all matched beautifully.

"Thanks for the lift", Brock said to Delia and Giovanni, who came out to help them with their bags.

Duplica, Mondo, and several Team Rocket agents were already inside. Everyone was dressed in formal attire and had their suitcases stowed underneath their seats.

"It was no trouble", he replied.

"Misty just texted us", said Autumn. "She and Ash are planning on leaving any minute, as soon as soon as she can drag his ass out into the car".

"Good. I was counting on Misty to keep Ash on time. He has a bad habit of always running late", said Delia.

"We know", Brock, Autumn, Cilan, and Iris said in unison.

"It's going to feel really nice when we get to the Kalos region", Iris told her friends. "I can't wait. I've had enough winter for this year".

"That's right, I have almost forgotten how much warmer it is in Kalos compared to Kanto this time of year", Cilan responded."I am looking forward to it".

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