Chapter 3 - Rude Interruptions And Plane Crashes.

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-Normal Alice POV-

  I was perfectly fine! Well that was a lie. I dislike other countries, why do you think I closed of my boarders? Well that's not the point! They all just seem to want to study me and make conspiracies about me or even just throw people at me! Ug! Idoits that is what they are!
  I mean really! How do you not know if your 'experimental exception' is a country! I guess they couldn't since I don't show anyone and even from outer space... From there I just look like regular water, so I guess I could see how they could confuse me for just an amount of water. BUT STILL! I mean do they have memory loss though? Because 20 (-= Human years =-)  years isn't so long that you would forget a fellow country! Right? Or am I really just that forgettable.

   "Bermuda Triangle! Please! Wait!" Someone who sounds a whole lot like that Chinese b!&*# I just stormed out on. Why would I ever wait for him. What is he going to do ridicule my country even more!

  "What do you want?"  I ask turning around to see China running towards me coming to a stop.

  "I would like to apologize for the way I acted, I acted out of anger not out of feeling. I hope you can learn to forgive me." He says and honestly... Most of the time no one apologizes. Its kinda nice. But I still really don't want to go back.

  "I accept your apologize but I still am going home. I am so very sorry for wasting every countries time. I shall get going. Goodbye China." I say and start walking away again when I feel something in my head go off. I don't.. Don't feel good.

  "Right, goodbye Bermuda Triangle." Then he turned to leave and I lean on to a wall my vision going blurry. I felt my chest light up like fire then my lungs swallowed in watter and I fell to the ground. So.. So light- headeeddd.

-Third Person-

  Alice fainted, as she normally does when a new plane or ship goes threw her barrier and is need to be taken down. She is in charge of the barrier and the process of taking them down and that being a natural response that she can do from anywhere causes her to pass out. And that is what she did, passed out her body pale.

  China heard her body collapse to the floor and ran over scared that he had caused this.

  "Oh my! Bermuda! Are you ok!?" But she didn't answer and honestly couldn't. China tried to wake her by shaking her but it would not work so he ran into the conference room looking almost as pale as Alice.

  "Help! Bermuda! She passed out and I cant wake her!" The sound of that brought two countries to their feet at the same time quickly.
  America and Prussia. The two ran past China quicker than a scared rabbit being chased by a car and looked around before spotting Alice still laying as lifeless as before on the ground.

  "Alice!" America screamed shocked and ran over, he knew her better than anyone else here seeing as she basically live right next to him. He got to see her more than anyone else and knew she had only passed out. 
  Then Prussia ran over as America checked for a pulse.

  The other countries didn't know what to do and a few others had walked out to check on her but America told them to go back in the room and give her a while to regain consciousness.  It was weird for him to be this serious about something. Not a snarky remark came out of his mouth and that is what was scary to the others.
  Although in all honestly, America never had told Bermuda Triangle this but he felt her as a little sister, one that loved to shut herself in her room for years at a time. He would tease her like one to and she was just a bit over 3/5ths his height. So he saw her as a little sister. Just like how his brother Canada saw him as a pesky older brother. 

  Time passed and Alice soon regained consciousness. Her body now not pale but back to its original color and she looked around to America with a marker in his hand above her and she sprang up.

  "Get away from me with that you Freak!" Just as she said that she realized what had happened and the many ways he could have used that marker to draw on her face while she was asleep.

  "Did you draw on my face?!" She angrily screamed and he dropped the marker laughing nervously. He had drawn a triangle on her forehead and the words 'illuminati confirmed' under it.

  "You little!" She stopped before cussing and tackled America the floor his glasses falling off and she smirked.

  After a very scared America had gotten a 'insert burger here' marker tattoo on his face next to his mouth and a 'I'm to patriotic for this -!' tattoo on his forehead along with some doddles of stars across his face. Alice threw the marker away and let him get up handing his glasses to him.

  "Serves you right." Then she continued to walk into the bathroom not giving a care in the world that America just stood in shock wondering what the h#!! she just drew on his head.

  He sacredly walked back into the conference room only to be laughed at immensely by the other countries. That was the last time he put a marker on her face.

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