"Of course not Aanya. Sarah just came to say hi. And she will leave soon." He said glancing at Sarah, who was not even looking at them but somewhere in the café. Just then the waiter came with every1's drink.

"Oh really. Right..." Before Aanya could finish her sentence the waiter stumbled a liitle bit and all the water that was in his glass was now on Aanya's dress. Fu*king perfect. She thought.

"Shit Aanya are you ok darling? And you how dare you do such a thing. If you don't know how to serve why the fuck are you here as waiter? I am gonna complain..." Before Sarah could finish, Aanya cut her.

"Its ok Sarah, no need to over react. Its just water. And you don't need to show any affection towards me. You and me both know that it's not genuine. Now if you will excuse me." Aanya stood up to go to the restroom.

Sarah smirked internally. The plan is working.. Now she just have to play her role and then its all upto Cameron.


That fu*king bi*ch. I swear one day am gonna snap her head of her body. What the hell is she doing here anyways. Maybe I am just over reacting. Maybe she was just passing by. How can Kaden tolerate her, I have no freaking idea.

I saw myself in the mirror and sighed. This was one of my fav dress. Thank God it was just plain water.

I clean my self the best I can thank God my dress is dark blue. The water stains are not that visible. I fixed my hair and went outside. What is it today with me and making Kaden wait. I nearly took 15 mins in there, I hope that idiot doesn't bother him much. I was actually getting jealous of her. She was again in my life. I hate her

We both know you hate her because she is trying to steal away your Kaden.

Shut up! First and most imp thing, Kaden is not mine.

Yaa yaa.. You keep saying that to yourself.

I sniggered at my sub conscious. Ha!! am gone mad. I am talking to myself.

As I turned around to face towards the table, I was in complete and utter shock. There on the table were Kaden and Sarah kissing each other. It was time had stopped. I just stood glued there. I couldn't move even of I wanted to. That's when I felt something wet on my cheeks. I was crying. Shit shit!

Sarah was practically sitting his lap, sucking his face. He wasn't even pushing her. I don't know why but it hurts. Sarah eyes met mine, and she actually winked at me. That was it. I ran out of there, wiping my tears angrily. I wasn't even looking where I was going. I just wanted to get out of these place. As I was running I collided with some1. I would have fallen if it wasn't for that person to catch me by my arm.

I looked up at that person, wiping my tears by back of my hand. Its then I realized it was none other than Cameron, Kaden biggest rival. He looked down at me and his eyes widened in recognition. If I would have seen my self like this then even I would be in shock.

"Miss. Williams are you ok.? Why are you crying? You need some help?" He asked me.

I unconsciously looked back at the window and saw that Sarah leaned down and kissed his cheek and was saying something to him.

"Aanya?" Cameron called me again.

"Uhh.. N..No I am Fi..fine." I said trying to stop my self from crying.

"You know, I have known him for sometime now. And one thing I have known about him that he is a player. I am sorry but you shouldn't fall for his charm. He will only use you Aanya." He said looking at me.

I just nodded and then he asked me if he wants him to drop me. I refused and ran out of there and got in my car and left.

I stopped my car on the road and cried my heart out. He doesn't deserve it Aanya. He doesn't deserve you.

It is your fault to even think that you could be something more than business to him. Even back then you were just a stupid bet. Now you are just a profit for his company. He will always be with girls like Chelsea and Sarah and many more.

After crying for him for 15 mins I decided to drive to Sapphire's. I cant stay alone today. I wish he never would have came for this project.

I am breaking all over again. But I wont let him break me this time. NO FU*KING WAY. He wants to be with Sarah, he can be with her. I don't care. Tears straining on my face I started driving to Sapphire's house.

*** A/N***


So how's these chapter?? You guys liked it right??

So Sarah and Cameron are planning something evil. Whats going to happen when there plan works out.

Is Aanya going to let Kaden explain him? Or is she going to be more rude towards him? Lets hope not.

Why was Kaden kissing Sarah? You will find it out,  maybe in next chapter..



LOVE – Mystic :*

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