Chapter 19: Natsu vs Virel

Start from the beginning

"Shit...!"  Gray hissed through his teeth, jumping back multiple paces to slide to a stop.

Shaking his head to get rid of the fuzzyness, Gray looked up at the three Glacias entia, and as he did they all growled at screeched at him, ready for another spout.

"There's gotta be something I can do..."  Gray mumbled, feeling cold from the foreboding.

Before Gray could further think on the concept, the giant serpent-glacias entia lunged forward, and Gray was forced to jump high into the air to dodge the ice creature.  The serpent slammed its head into the ice, making the ice sound out a loud crack as the ice shattered and rock was shown underneath.

In order to dodge and regain his footing, Gray let his hand land on the back of the serpent's long body, and felt the cold ice reside on his skin.  When he was about to push off so he could gain some safe ground and face the three glacias entia again, Gray felt a strong sensation run through his body.  It made him stop; since he hesitated, the tiger-glacias entia found its chance and roared, pouncing for Gray gracefully despite its size.

Gray gave a cry of surprise as he snapped back into focus a little too late, and was slammed into by the icy paw of the tiger-glacias entia.  Gray slammed into the wall behind him, and was pinned between it and the ice tiger.

W-What I just felt...  Gray thought, struggling to break free from the tiger's claws.  Was that...the glacias entia's feelings?

When Gray had touched the skin of the serpent, he had somehow gone through the barriers of the serpent's skin and felt its emotions.  It was sad, grievable, and was hoping for salvation.

"A-Are you all being controlled?   Is that it...?"  Gray grinded out, feeling the pain of the ice tiger's grip.

Even now, Gray could feel the emotions of the tiger; all because he didn't have his shirt on and his skin was touching the essence of the ice monster.

It was filled with sadness, despair, and the feelings of wanting peace.

Gray understood.  "Virel is controlling you, isn't he??"

As if the glacias entia couldn't help it, the tiger whined slightly.

The thought made Gray's chest fill with hatred for the mage, and he widened his eyes in shock.  

I have to free them!  Gray thought.  Who would do such a thing to these creatures?  They are probably the last ones in Fiore, and this is what Virel does to them!

"Here I come!"  Gray exclaimed.

Able to free his arms, Gray pressed his palms to the tiger's icy paw, and his Ice Magic began to shine.

If I can transfer my energy into these things...then maybe they'll be strong enough to break free of Virel's control on their own!

Feeling his magic flow down his arms, Gray exclaimed loudly as his magic began to build, and the icy skin of the tiger began to shimmer.  The glacias entia all started to make noises of protest; yelling, screeching, growling, and hissing of all kinds.  They squirmed on the ground, and the one hanging onto Gray shakily let go of him, backing up against the other wall and shaking its head roughly.

Gray watched in amazement as clouds of vapor floated past him, and the glacias entia continued to struggle with themselves.  Then, in a surprising display, the core of their ice bodies began to glow, and soon enough they were submerged in light simultaneously.

Gray closed his left eye, turning his head away and lifting his arm up to block the blinding light from his eyes.  The cries had dimmed, and it was just the noises of the light inside the glacias entia humming through the air.  Then, soon enough, the light started to dim, and Gray looked to see the aftermath.

Fairy Tail: Nightmares and Feelings ❖ (A NaLu Fan Fiction) {Sequel to I.W.A.F!!}Where stories live. Discover now