Chapter 29: Runaway

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"Maybe I am running to something better. Look I did not ask for your approval. I appreciate your help. Truly I am. But this is my choice. Not yours. So why does my decision concern you?"

"I suppose there is nothing I can say to you Timus-I mean Troy," he corrected.

I rolled my eyes, before scooting my stiff legs to the edge of the chariot. "Who is Timus anyways?" I muttered.

"You reminded me of someone; that is all." I sat frozen. "I apologize for being overly protective. I am not your father and will never be. You are a grown man."

I turned to face him. "I remind you of whom?" I asked.

"The son I lost."

"I am so sorry to hear that," I said in a rueful voice. I felt horrible for the way I talked to him. I must have sounded like an ungrateful runt. My voice softened at my next words, "How old was he?"

"He was four when he died in the earthquake that shook this island. He would have been around your age if he were still alive. He was so full of life, but also stubborn like you."

"How did your wife cope with the loss?" I asked.

"Sadly I lost her too. I lost my whole family that day." I bowed my head. "I am not here to lecture you," he continued. "If you want to go and see what is out there, I will not stop you. You just need to ask yourself what is your reason for leaving." I felt sorry for Augustus. Even though I barely knew him, I felt connected to him as he did with me. At least I had a family...until today. Now I found myself homeless, a wanderer in the land. Augustus had meant me well, but I had already made up my mind. If I stayed here, I would have no life. I had no family to turn to. Neither did I have a home. I had to leave the island, the only world I had known.


Priscilla and Titus strolled together on the winding road, hugging the cliff's edge. Ahead the road would stop at Titus' villa in the pastures.

The sea breeze sent her black locks flapping against her face. She looked up at Titus, grinning. "Do you wish every day could be like today?" she asked.

"I suppose," he mumbled. Priscilla wrinkled her brow at his words. He sighed at the sight of her frown. "I am just tired. I should be relieved the tribunal is over with."

"I can imagine your relief. You were away for these three days. It sounded rather intense," she remarked. "To ease your mind, I propose we invite some of our friends for a celebratory dinner. Perhaps we can even invite the royal family," she added.

"I think they have other concerns weighing on their minds."

"What are you talking about? Is everything well with the brothers?"

"I cannot say the same for Troy."

She frowned. "What do you mean?"

"The reason I have been gone these past few days is because of this lengthy tribunal over Troy and Romeos."

She rolled her eyes. "What are you trying to tell me?"

"He was in the middle of it; the whole scheme to break into the Hole," Silus blurted. "I never suspected he would do such a thing." Priscilla stopped, dead in her tracks.

Her voice trembled. "Where is he?" she asked.

"He was released from custody and sent home."

"I have to go," Priscilla whispered. She scampered off in the opposite direction.

"Where are you going?" Titus hissed. Priscilla ignored him as she picked up speed, holding her tunica up as she ran. "Come back. I thought you wanted to plan a dinner!" Titus snapped.

Domain of Power-The Dreamer (Book 3)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora