Chapter 29: Runaway

Start from the beginning

"No. That will not be necessary. You can take me along," I uttered stiffly.

"Oh... I suppose if that is sounds good to you. I would hate to inconvenience you."

"You would be doing me a favor," I muttered.

"It would be my honor, Prince Troy," he said flashing me a smile. He knew exactly who I was. But he did not know I was recently stripped of that title and I planned to keep it that way.

"Thank you for saving my life," I said softly.

"You are most welcome. I would want someone to help me in need."

"I have seen you before but I never really knew you or your background. However I do know you are a good man."

Augustus tried his best to make me feel at ease as we journeyed along the road. As he told me stories of his past adventures out at sea before he retired from his life as a sailor, it seemed to take my mind away from the pain I was feeling, even if it was only temporary. Little did he realize his stories would change the course of my life.

We had at last arrived at the shoreline where the fishing boats bobbled along the docks. From the chariot, I could see the foamy sea splashing against the sides of the wooden boats as the tides rushed the shore before retreating. There seemed to be no beginning to the waves as my eyes drifted to the blue-gray expanse beyond. Observing the rhythmic ebb and flow of the sea seemed to bring a measure of peace that I sorely lacked.

Augustus voice snapped me back to present. "I will be back. I am going to see if there are any oils and bandages at this trade post along the road." He left to go inside the stone building, leaving me behind in the chariot.

I looked down at the strip of fabric, now dyed a deep maroon. The sight of the blood brought waves of fresh anger against my father. It was him that ordered the dogs to be released. It was him who wanted me dead. The man I thought was my father had become dead to me. Moments later Augustus returned with a handful of cloth and some ointments. I was in his care as he poured the oils over my wounds and gently wrapped my ankle with clean cloth he bought.

"Thanks you," I mouthed.

"My pleasure," he said gently. "Here is some baked fish and bread I bought earlier. It has been years since I had to care for anyone else. You could have the extra foodstuff to keep your strength up from the blood loss." As we both sat down in the chariot, I gobbled away at the cooked fish and slab of freshly baked bread. I watched as Augustus stole glances of me while I stuffed my mouth.

"You certainly have an appetite," he said. I continued eating, but this time taking slower bites. "Nonetheless it looks like evening is falling upon us," he added. I looked out at the direction of his distant gaze. Sunlight bled through the fluffy clouds, showering the blue sky with hints of gold. Evening never looked so beautiful. "Your family must be wondering about you at this moment." His comment caught me off guard.

My voice tightened. "I suppose. Somewhere out there though, there is a place for me."

Augustus gave me an incredulous grin. "You cannot be serious. Have you even traveled outside the confines of the island? It takes experienced men who know the seas very well," he said, rising from his seat on the chariot. "Such a trip takes months of planning not to mention resources."

"I am serious. I can use some of my coins to buy foodstuffs and other essentials at the trade post. Whatever I do not have, the crew can supply. All I know is that there is something better out there waiting for me."

"What are you running away from? A comfortable life? A life where your life is planned out for greatness in the island only for you to throw it away?"

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