And it really bores me especially it's getting darker here.

"Minho, can we go? I think I need a shower because it's so hot."

Minho didn't respond. As If he didn't hear me talking to him.

"Minho, are you oka-"

"I like you."

After he said those words, I am literally out of words.

Answers like "what the hell", "are you serious", and "oh no not again" runs through my mind but I can't say a single word.

Minho began saying other things that I can't hear because I am so occupied. What if Newt knows about this? Will he get jealous? Should I tell him that one of his bestfriend tells me that he likes me? Would he get angry?

I hope so.

"Paige? Are you listening? Can I?" Minho said, hopefully staring at me like he just asked me a very important question.

"O-oh. Yes, yes." I answered cluelessly.

I shouldn't have said those words because the moment I answered him, he leaned in closer, cups my face, and is about to kiss me.

I couldn't process everything that time. I could have stopped him but then Newt and Briana's face flashed in my mind and I felt jealousy strikes me.

Maybe Newt likes Briana. Or maybe they are making out right now. Having fun.

Maybe I should kiss Minho, even if it doesn't feel right.

I closed my eyes waiting for Minho's lips to touch mine. I was so scared. I'm not sure about this. And I'm not ready for this. I can't even-


Minho pulled away and gets as far as he can when someone interrupted our almost unimaginably kissing session.

We both turned to face Newt, who's smile is super wide but I kinda feel he is about to cry.

"Sandwich! U-umm. I-I'm going to go get a sandwich from Frypan's. . a-and I figured out, I-I don't want to be selfish so I came here and ask if someone wants a sandwich!"

He tried to act so happy but I can see something watery in his eyes. He also almost cracked at the end of his sentence.

"There's no 'sandwich' need here, thank you." Minho said, disappointment clear in his voice.

"Well then, I'll see you two! A-and good luck in whatever you are doing. . "

He smiled at me and I almost want to hug him but then he turned away, his limping body walking away from us.

And I also figured out, this is wrong. This is definitely wrong.

"I'm sorry Minho." I said, standing up and getting my stuffs.

Minho smiled shyly and rubs the back of his head. "Yeah, It's okay. I shouln't have done that."

I looked at him for a second so he spoke again. "I know you liked him. I know you liked Newt. I was just really desperate to get you. And I'm sorry I tried to kiss you. I know you don't want it."

He sincerely smiled at me and for a second, my heart melted. "It's okay Minho, I accept your apology. It just doesn't feel right. And yeah. . . I liked Newt, and I'm so sorry. . "

He nods. "Well, go then. Apologize for what we've almost done. I think the man's got emotionally and mentally frustrated."

I smirked, hoping what he said is true. "I'll go then."

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