Vacay, Aubrey, more identical than the Weasley twins!

Start from the beginning

I really didn’t want to get out of bed either… Besides, he seemed like a nice guy. Very few people could wake up with a random werewolf in their bed and not freak out. I nodded, plopping back down and facing away from him. I felt him lie back down beside me, and soon his breathing slowed and evened. Within minutes, I’d fallen back asleep too.


Sirius banged on Remus’s door. Within minutes, the werewolf answered, looking grumpy. “Must you be so loud, so early?”


He shook his head, not managing to suppress a smile. “Shall we go wake up Rika?”

Sirius nodded energetically, taking off with Remus close behind.



Well that was always a lovely way to wake up. I opened my eyes just in time to see Sirius forcibly rip Aubrey from the bed and shove him into a wall.

Aubrey held up his hands. “Easy man, it’s not what you think.”


Remus glared at the boy, then turned to me darkly. “Rika,” he said in a deathly clam yet acid filled voice, “why the hell was there a boy in your bed.”

“I can explain—“

“You’d better.”

And so I explained the whole room mix up and how we’d decided to wait till morning to deal with it.

Sirius groaned. “Bloody hell Rika, don’t youknow anything about men? You never let one in your bed. Ever. That’s how babies are made.”

“….Siri…I’m pretty sure I know how babies are made, and I believe it takes a tad more than that…”

“You’d be surprised,” he mummered.

Remus shook his head. “Rika, I trust you not to misbehave, but please at least try to consider what you do before you do it.”

“Well so-rry, but at four in the morning, it’s hard to consider much of anything.”

“Um, professor,” Aubrey said a little nervously to Lupin, “can I go now?”

Remus began to nod but paused. “How did you know I was a professor?”

“You probably don’t recognize me, but I’m a Hogwarts student. Aubrey Calls. I’ve had a bit of a growth spurt since you last taught.”

Remus cracked a smile. “Ah, I remember you now. Very good student. And yes, you certainly have grown quite a bit.”

Sirius took a threatening step towards him. “Remus and I are both professors this year, so you better watch it. Got that?”

He nodded, glanced back at me and waved, then quickly went out the door.

Siri continued muttering dark things about bloody prats who needed their bollocks removed while Remi kept reassuring him that nothing happened and Aubrey was a good kid.

Most everyone burst out laughing when I told them what was wrong with Sirius. Apparently my life just keeps getting more and more amusing to everyone but me.


Remus did a glamor on my eyes that turned them a deep chocolate color, and I worse a scarf to cover my scars, so no one would pin me as a wolf. Shopping and touristing was a blast! It was getting late, so Ginny, Kayla, Damon, Hermione, and I slipped into a small café for a coffee and coco break.

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