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Cameron continued speaking, "Michael Clifford, the son of one of our leaders of the clan, was next in line to be the leader. But, he didn't want to be leader, he didn't want responsibility. And, since he was born with a 'disorder' lets say, staying with this clan was the only way to keep his disorder under control. But, he ran away. When he did, he killed a whole town, and people here and there and everywhere."

Ashton's face paled, even more pale than he was, and he swallowed the lump in his throat. Michael had tears in his eyes, he could already tell that Ashton wanted nothing to do with him. Cameron continued,"He has a problem where he cannot resist human blood. He gets out of control. This is called being a ripper."

"Now, the reason Michael is to be thrown in a jail cell to rot all his life is because he almost exposed our society. He killed a whole town. It was all over the news, literally everyone was murdered in that town. All by the man called Michael Clifford who joins us today," Said Cameron exasperatedly, looking at Michael.

"My bet is was that he was planning to seduce you, and kill you, but he ended up falling in love with you, but only turned you because he knew he would kill you if he didn't," Cameron said to Ashton.

Michael stood up,"You shut your fucking mouth, that is not true."

Cameron laughed,"It probably is though, why would you want to associate with a human other than wanting to kill them?"

Ashton looked to Michael, "Is this true? Were you only going to use me for a feed?"

Michael shook his head,"No, no no no no, I didn't when I met you, I hadn't fed off humans for five years, I was drinking animal blood. I met you five years ago, I ran away fifteen years ago."

Ashton still looked at him hopelessly,"You still killed a whole town, Michael."

"I know, and I hate myself everyday for things I've done. But it can't be helped, that was past me," Michael said.

"Hating yourself doesn't change the past, neither does apologising, all it does is make yourself feel better, and give the person you hurt have some comfort, what will change things is that you  pay for what you did," Cameron says harshly.

Ashton stared at his feet, thinking. He didn't know what he would do without Michael, he ran away with him. If he goes now, what is he going to do? Ashton knew that Michael wasn't like that anymore, but he can't feel a little betrayed. Michael left out so much about his life. Ashton spoke,"What is his punishment for this?"

Cameron told Ashton,"One month imprisonment until he's executed."

Ashton went even paler- if that was even possible- and looked to Michael in shock and then back to Cameron,"No, you can't kill him! Surely there's people who have done worse and not gotten executed! There has to be a better way!" Ashton shouted in protest.

Cameron shook his head, "People who endanger the secrecy of vampires are sentenced to death, he killed a whole town, Ashton, and you should have seen the media coverage, they tried to keep it quiet that an animal went rampage but there were so many people making theories on how it happened and it was not pretty. Thankfully it was a very tiny and remote town, but nonetheless, it was a whole town. Ten thousand people at least. There is no other way. "

Michael shook his head, "You're making it out like it was a massive problem, it was in the news for 3 weeks."

"It shouldn't have been in the news at all. It wouldn't have if you hadn't of done it, either," Cameron spat at Michael,"We are going to be executing you because you endangered our secrecy and you mass murdered. We don't arrest you if you kill one or two maybe once a week, but 10,000? It's outrageous and you know it!"

"Okay! I get it I killed a whole town! I'm sorry that I can't control my disorder! But I couldn't be the leader of the clan! I had to leave!" Michael shouted.

"That doesn't excuse what you did. Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. You can come with us, without restraint, or you can be taken by force, and that means irvane ropes around your hands and an injection of irvane. So what will it be?" Cameron looked at Michael.

There was a long minute of silence while Michael death stared Cameron. Luke and Calum had been quiet the whole time, looking very out of place at what situation they had gotten themselves into.

At last, Michael finally spoke,"What will happen to them," motioning to Ashton, Calum and Luke.

"They can do as they please," Cameron says.

"Fine, as long as they don't get harmed, I'll come," Michael said and stood up. 

"I'll give you 5 minutes to say your goodbyes," Cameron said and him and his men left the room.

Michael turned to the love of his life. This may as well be the very last time he looks into his boyfriends beautiful hazel eyes.


Hello! Thank you all for voting and everything it's very appreciated and I try my best to update! Thank you for being patient.


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