Chapter 7

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"I can't believe I got hired. You're cousin is so nice!" I smile making Drew smile.
"He is nice isn't he?" Drew asks me as we arrive a few miles away from my house.
"Thanks for dinner tonight Drew. Sorry we couldn't make it to the movie though, but it was still fun," I smile.
"I'm glad you had fun. I'll see you at school tomorrow then?" Drew asks.
"Yes. See you at school tomorrow Drew," I smile as I lean in kissing his cheek softly as I quickly get out of the Cadillac Escalade shutting the door behind me as I walk home while he watches me. After a few minutes I hear him pull out of parking spot turning around driving off into the opposite direction as I sigh.
"Hope he asks you out again. That was so fun," Lexis sighs as well.
"How was it fun when you blabbed the entire time?" I ask as Lexis doesn't respond so that either means she blocked me out or fell asleep. Oh well. As I continue walking someone grabs my mouth covering my nose with a rag as I try screaming, but I slowly pass out from not being able to breathe. I wake up opening my eyes to the blinding sun as I whimper, but I'm cuffed to a chair.
"Good morning sunshine. How'd you sleep?" A man asks me with a German accent.
"Where am I?" I groan as I look up seeing a group of rogues watching me closely.
"Good morning Clarissa. How did you...what the fuck?!" Lexis growls.
"I don't know where I'm at Lexis. Figure out where we are at," I groan.
"Well a man told us to kidnap you, and keep you here until he arrived," The one with the German accent says.
"Who's he?" I ask.
"Nobody knows," One with a Italian accent growls.
"He's arrived I'm letting him in now!" One with a Russian accent yells as he opens the door letting a man come in. At first I don't notice him until I fully see his face.
"You," I growl.
"Yes it's me Clarissa. I haven't seen you in what..five years? How've you been?" Darwin asks me as I growl pulling against the cuffs so I can break out, and beat the living shit out of him.
"Fuck you," I spit out, and he smiles.
"That's not how you treat an old friend is it?" Darwin asks me.
"I don't care. You're just like my father," I growl pulling harder at the cuffs burning the skin on my wrists.
"That's because you don't ever learn do you?" Darwin asks growling.
"Screw you," I admit still growling.
"We're in an abandoned warehouse just a few streets up from the school. Maybe if you get free when can run to the school since it's open, and we can ask people to help us!!" Lexis tells me.
"Thanks Lexis. Just help me break out of the cuffs!" I announce as me, and Lexis use both of our strength together eventually breaking free from the cuffs as I phase into my golden wolf ripping my beautiful outfit from last night, I'll miss that dress. I growl as I take off running straight through the large type of garage door taking off running to the school.

The Alpha's Abused Mate✔ (Unedited)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt