The Day of Falling

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I made my way back to my old chambers, the only place I had left where I was safe. Was I safe there, though? Odin and Frigga's and Thor's chambers were near by, and since the palace was the only place I had to stay, I would have to see them often.

No I didn't. I didn't have to see anyone.

I walked over to the corner of the room that had once been MY room, and was now just a room, filled to the celing with memories that felt like a stab to the heart each.

I sat there, in that corner, just as I had for all those years in prison, without bothering to light a candle or open a curtain. The darkness comsumed my physical form, but it had already, long ago, consumed my mind.

I stared into that darkness and relived, unwillingly, the events of the day, so far.





My mind echoed the words back to me over and over for many minutes. Minutes turned to hours. Hours turned to days. Days to weeks. Weeks to months. Months to Years...

Or it could have all been within a second. You lose track of time in the dark labrynth of your mind.

The labrynth brought me to the day I'd fallen into the abyss. The darkness surrounding me as it did now, my heart and mind racing. I remember every thought, every emotion I'd felt that day.

The Day of Falling, I call it.

Though, I'm constantly falling, am I not? Falling from the the platform that held my family, my safety....

My Sanity.

You would think that after years of prison, so many I cannot remember, I would have forgotten The Day of Falling. Instead I remember every detail of the hours-long fall that lead to the same place as my dreams lead:

The Year of Pain.

Speaking of sleep, it was then I felt my eyelids become heavy, and so I leaned against the wall and fell into, what for others is the comfort of sleep, but for me is merely the road back to pain.

~Author's Note~

Hai There Friend.

Sorry this Chapter was short.

It's a bridge chapter, you see, to the next, named "The Year of Pain", describing his time Post-Thor Pre-Avengers. Ehehhe.

Get the tissues.

This is a shoutout to my friend

whom I know not the real name of.

But I shall call your by the name I know:


You are awesome. Never change.

And write more, for Odin's sake!

Okay guys thats all for now.



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