// The Party | GBD //

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Please read the A/N at the end!!!

Grayson's POV:

I pull into my friends crowded driveway, almost running over drunk teens in the process.

There were so many people at this party, it looked fucking crazy.

Well people at our school sure know how to throw a party.

There were people running around almost completely naked on the lawn, pounding music blasting from inside, and people shouting down from windows and doing crazy dares.

I park the car and hope it doesn't get fucked up while I'm gone.

I walk past the lawn and up to the front door. Some people look at me but there's so much commotion that's it's not much.

I walk inside and there's even more people. Red solo cups litter the floor and the countertops and the hue house seems to shake at the people jumping and dancing in the living room.

There are so many people that I almost feel invisible, and I loved it. I continue into the house, not sure why I'm even really here. I enjoy huge, crazy parties, but I wasn't really into this one right now.

I head toward the dance floor where drunk girls with messy hair and alcohol on their breath grab onto my arm and try to grind on me.

I keep hearing drunk girls shout/moan 'daddy' and 'fuck me' but I ignore it and keep walking.

I walk to a table in a dark corner of the large room and watch the chaos all around me.

Finally I see a familiar face approach me.

It was my friend Jack.

"Wassup Gray?" He shouts, obviously on something, as he stumbles over his feet to me.

He puts his hand out and I stand up, catching him in a bro hug.

"Hey Jack..." I reply. I don't think I've ever seen him this shitfaced.

"Bro I don't think I've seen you in so long- I love you bro," he says hugging me again. Yeah- he's the 'dude I love you so much' kind of drunk.

"Haha yeah me too," I say trying to just be nice.

"Hey wanna come upstairs I think we're playing truth or dare or something-" he says laughing

"Yeah sure why not," I say and he stumbles away.

I make my way upstairs the through the large house.

I'm walking down a hall, bumping into several people in the over-crowded house.

I look down for second and feel myself bump into some one hard.

I look up to the person and see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"Oh- ha sorry about that," she says looking down and laughing a bit. She looks up and her facial expression changes when we make eye contact.

She went from kind and polite to shocked and almost annoyed.

"It's fine- I should be the one apologizing," I smirk after our short silence.

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