// The Stranger | GBD //

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I was driving down the highway one night from a friends house, alone.

I glance down at the time with a hand on the wheel. It was around 1 and no one was on the highway.

But I wasn't tired.

For some reason I didn't have any music on which is rare for me and it was just eerily silent.

I don't really want to go home but I don't know who to go too.

Suddenly I hear a whirring noise coming from my engine.

"Wait what the fuck?" I say under my breath, breaking the silence.

I hear a loud pop and my car slows tremendously. I manage to swerve to the side of the road, pulling over.

I really don't need this right now.

The car stops completely.

I try to start it back up, turning the key in the ignition over and over again.

Nothing works.

"Fuck," I mumble, frustrated.

I give up and throw my head back.

"Uuuggghhhh," I really didn't need this.

I open my car door and am immediately faced with sharp, cool air in my face.

I pull my sweater over myself tighter and get out.

Not knowing what to do, I pace outside my car in the silent, cold night.

There is not a single fucking soul on the road.

And I have no cell service.

This is just great.

I sit down on a small curb and sigh, all I can do is wait for someone, anyone.


About fifteen minutes later I see headlights far off in the distance.

This is my chance.

I didn't want to hitch hike but what other choice to I have?

I run to my car and begin flashing the head lights, on off on off.

The car is still speeding pretty fast but eventually they notice me. The car, which was a black Range Rover (which was hella nice) finally slowed and pulled up next to my car. The windows were really tinted so I couldn't see a single thing inside. A moment goes by and I stare at the dark window, waiting.

Finally the window slowly roles down.

I'm faced with the most attractive male I've ever seen in my entire life. He looked about my age with dark hair and a jawline so sharp it was cutting through my soul. He stared at me with hazel brown/green eyes and I could feel myself getting turned on.

"Need a lift?" He says with a deep, raspy voice.

Fuck, his voice.

This god damned boy was hot in every way imaginable and I couldn't get over myself.

"Yeah, actually I do... Car won't start." I say confidently trying not to drool.

Dolan Twin imagines/smut preferences;)Where stories live. Discover now