The white dress makes her look like an angel though, despite the marks and the blackness she uses as a shield. Maybe she's ashamed of her body and has decided to cover it up with tattoos? I don't know. Why do these theories come to me? I shouldn't be thinking about Laura Marano's tattoos. I'm mental. It's been too long since we last saw each other. It's rude to openly stare at her like this.

The girl stands still and notices bright gray eyes of an older lady judging her. I bite my lip, preventing myself from rushing up to the lady and telling her to fuck off. I don't know why I'm suddenly so defensive but people shouldn't judge others based on their looks. Within seconds, I see Laura raising her hand and shamelessly giving her a middle finger. The old scumbag seems shocked as she turns away and clings to her husband's arm. I immediately begin to laugh and Colton shoots me a glare. Her hand lowers and dark brown eyes meet mines from a few feet away. Breath gets stuck in my throat and I shut my mouth. Seriously Ross. Laughing at an old friend at your best friend's wedding. What a sophisticated move. 

Red as love, her plump lips pull up in a small smirk before she slowly approaches me and Colton. Holy shit. No, no.

"Hey, bro. ", she nods towards her cousin.

"I didn't know you'd show.", Colton bitterly says.

Laura chuckles. "Couldn't miss an opportunity to get a good dessert, yeah?"

They keep an eye contact for a second before my best friend grins widely at her.

"Coming to a wedding to eat the cake and scare away the guests, that's my sis. ", he wraps her in a tight hug and she rolls her eyes and tries pushing him away."Ah, no, no. It's my wedding and I deserve a small hug."

"Small? You're breaking my ribs. ", she remarks but hugs him briefly before pulling away.

Brown eyes meet mines and I give a small smile, trying not to be impolite or stare down her arms.

"Ah. Ross Lynch.", she mutters. My eyes widen.

"You remember me? "

"Yes.", Laura purses her lips. "Preschool, I came to Colton's place and you were there. You were eating nachos and I asked if I could have some. You said yes and I ate everything from the bag, not leaving you a crumb."

My eyes widen as I take it in. She's the little Laura I chased around the house because of my eaten nachos and she's the little Laura I played hide and seek with along with Colton almost every single day since we met. Just now it sinks in, now that she stands before my very own eyes.

I'd always remember the look in her eyes.

Laura used to always bring out different kinds of emotions from me. I admired her very much when we were little. We hung out for long few years before parting ways. She was my one and only childhood crush. And a strong one.

"Oh my God. ", I blink."It's really you?"

Laura rolls her eyes and crosses her arms on her chest. "What? A girl gets a few tattoos, a new attitude and grows up a little and suddenly you don't recognize her?"

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I.. "

"Typical rich boy. You've grown into a quite forgetful man, Ross. Nice talking to you guys. I'm going to go for the barbecue now.", she nods towards Colton and rushes away. I stand there with my mouth half open.

How couldn't I put the pieces together?

"Is she offended? I didn't mean to. ", I turn to my blue eyed friend. He shakes his head.

"She's always offended. Get used to it."

"You rented her a room? ", I look up at the huge hotel we are in front of.

"Yeah. She's my cousin after all. She lives in New York though."

"College? ", I push.

"You don't want me to tell you. As in, ours. "

"Oh God. Good, we are colleagues now, that's what you're trying to say? NYU? "

"Why are you so surprised? Just let her be. Hate to break it to you, but she didn't take the events from a few years ago very well.", he shakes his head. I gulp.

"What events? "

"I am giving you the answer to you question of what happened to her personality. Remember when I told you my aunt died?", I nod at his question. "Well, she was Laura's mother."

When we were little, I was obsessed with that girl. I clearly remember. I was devastated from her sudden disappearance at age twelve.

I've never confessed my long time crush on her.. I was always fascinated with her for some reason. God, help. It's funny when I look at it from this perspective.

I never knew the reason to her sudden disappearance. I might as well find out.


Another one.

I'll have to update Ruined though and The Wrong Bride too. Stay with me! More updates are coming :)

Don't forget to vote and comment. It means a world to me.

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