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I promise to never let you out of my sight again. I promise to always be there for you ⎼ in the darkest hours of the night and in the first light of dawn. When you feel down and low, when you feel like there is no hope left and you wish to run away, when you want to laugh loudly and when you are happier than ever before ⎼ I will be there with you. I promise you that.◢



THERE was an untamed electricity coursing through Marie's veins as her footsteps echoed the wide and narrow corridor of the London Institute. The young girl never really understood how Sophie and Agatha managed to keep the huge hallways so clean.

The familiar archaic smell penetrated her nostrils as it wandered through the night air. It made Marie feel like she was home again.

She was home again, safe and sound. The Dark Sisters weren't around anymore and therefore Marie was freed of their spine⎼shivering tortures.

Before she even became aware of it, Marie's feet reached the threshold of Will's chamber. The boy was nowhere in sight and that somehow put Marie's heart on edge. The reality had finally been catching up with her. She was about to see him again. Talk to him after all this dreadful time they've been apart.

She was scared. Somehow, the girl lost the feeling of closeness to one of her childhood friends. The separation made her forget how she was supposed to act around the boy. Months had passed and she wasn't sure they even shared the same mindset anymore.

Was he even going to look at her the way he did before she had been captured?

Her fragile heart was frightened and perhaps it was to be blamed for her sudden cowardness and turning away from Will's doorstep.

She needed a few moments to gather her thoughts, so the girl chose to approach the nearest window and enjoy the view of the outlines of London houses.

Dots of lights were dancing on the nightly canvas and Marie couldn't help but wonder about the way mundanes live their lives. Do they have more freedom and no sense of duty? Do they live in constant fear of getting hurt? Do they fear death and losing someone that is dear to them? Or do they just enjoy the endless gifts life offers them?

Marie wanted to be free to take pleasure in all the moments that were directed in her way. She wanted to live life without worries. But she couldn't. Not after the Dark Sisters.

Being taken captive and kept away from everything and everyone her heart loved, Marie had no choice but to build high, impenetrable walls around her soul. No one was allowed in or out. She was not going to be hurt again.


The daze was broken quickly as pleasant shivers sneaked down Marie's spine. Her body was frozen.

The sound of William's voice was that powerful.

"Will?" Marie's whispering voice was barely audible as she spun around to take a good look of the obsidian⎼haired boy.

Hazel eyes met the ocean⎼blue ones and it almost felt as if earth and sky collided. The reunion was one that no one ever had witnessed. It was sweet and delicate and devastating and strong at the same time.

The pair just stared into each other's eyes, praying to succeed in recalling previous memories of them. There were so many emotions exchanged just by the sole encounter of their gazes. There was sadness mixed with sorrow and fear, happiness and love; they spoke louder than any words ever could.

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