Ch. 1 Birth of the Avatar and His Guardian

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[ Book One: Water

Two cries were heard inside the Southern Air Temple. Two mothers recently gave birth to their children at the same time under a full moon. One mother gave birth to a baby boy while the other mother gave birth to a baby girl. An air nomad by the name of Monk Gyatso witness the children's birth realizing that the two babies' souls are bonded. 

" It seems we have found our future Avatar and Guardian" 

The mothers held their children close while the babies slept with a smile on their faces. That was the last time, they will ever see their children because they knew their children have their destiny to face together. They gave their newborn children a blessing before giving them to Monk Gyatso who will become the children's caretaker. 

" Hahaha! You can't catch me" 

A young boy with mischievous grey eyes, no hair on his head, wearing air nomad clothing ran away from another child. 

" Aang! You can't use your air. It's cheating!" 

The other child is a young girl with bright blue eyes, black hair on a ponytail, wearing a female air nomad clothing chasing after Aang. 

" I'm not using my air! You are just too slow Armina" Aang laughed. 

Armina pouted seeing Aang stopped running thinking it's her chance to catch her best friend off guard. 


Armina jumped on Aang not seeing Monk Gyatso in front of her falling on top of Aang. 

" G-G-Get off Armina! You are heavy" Aang mumbled. 

Armina laughed getting up helping Aang on his two feet patting his back. 

" Hello children, it seems you two are getting along" Monk Gyatso smiled. 

Aang and Armina looked at each other with a smile. 

" She's annoying" 

" He's a brat" 

They enjoy teasing each other which Monk Gyatso noticed chuckling a little. He started to get serious knowing that the two children in front of him are now twelve years old. 

" Aang....Armina....please follow me" Monk Gyatso told them. 

The two looked confused but nodded. 

They followed Monk Gyatso to the temple watching him sat down on the carpet facing them. He took out a scroll rolling it out revealing their old toys. 

" Do you know what this mean right?" He asked. 

" Those are our old toys" Aang looked at them. 

" Indeed they are but these toys have a meaning behind them" He told them. 

He started to explain the meaning of the toys to the children in front of them. Aang looked confused while Armina figured it out looking shocked. 

" Are you saying that Aang is the Avatar and I'm his Guardian?" 

Monk Gyatso smiled knowing how intelligent Armina could be when she isn't childish or playing pranks with Aang. 

" Yes, you are correct Armina" He told her. 

Armina has heard stories of the Avatar and their guardian who travels around the world training together to save the world from destruction.

" I shall accept this Monk Gyatso" She bowed. 

Monk Gyatso felt relief as he looked at Aang noticing the young boy being quiet. 

" Aang?" 

Aang was in thought shaking his head looking at his mentor and best friend. 

" I...I am sorry" He whispered. 

" I....I can't do this!" He told them. 

He turned around running out of the room with a scared depressed expression. 

" Armina...." Monk Gyatso whispered. 

Armina frowned watching her best friend running away. She knew this must be tough to him because he won't be himself from now on since being an Avatar means to save the world from destruction. 

" Please go with him. I don't want him out there alone" He tells her. 

Armina nods her head. 

" Of course! I'll be by his side no matter what" She tells him as she gives Monk Gyatso a hug and runs out of the room to chase after Aang.  

Monk Gyatso watches Armina leave as he prays that she will make it on time to reach Aang and leave the Southern Air Temple with him. 

He heard a lightning knowing that a storm is coming. 

Aang arrived at the flying bison stables spotting his good friend Appa who Armina named it for him. The three fly around the area together and they have been close friends ever since. 

" Come on Appa, we are going on a trip" He whispered. 

Appa followed Aang seeing Armina but didn't make a sound letting Armina climb up on him. 

Aang jumped gracefully landing on his head saying yip yip and Appa flew to the sky. 

Armina look at the back of Aang's head.

' I wonder where Aang is going?' She thought. 

Aang, Armina, and Appa have been flying for hours when it started to rain heavily causing them to panic. 

" Don't worry Appa! Just take us to a nearby island" He petted him. 

Appa made a sound getting scared of thunder and lightning. 

Aang and Armina hang onto Appa when the flying bison gets hit by a big wind and lightning causing Appa to fall. 

" AHHH?!" The children scream. 

They were falling off of Appa and into the cold dark waters. 

Aang knew how to swim diving in water looking for Appa when his eyes widened seeing a familiar body sinking. 

' ARMINA' He screamed in thought. 

He started to feel power surging thru him not realizing that he entered the Avatar state swimming faster to Armina wrapping his arms around her creating an ice dome for Appa, Armina, and himself to use until the storm calms out. 

What they didn't know that the ice dome sank to the bottom of the ocean until one hundred years later two children found them and their journey begins. 

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