I found the bathroom in the hall and did my business. As I was rinsing off my hands someone entered but I didn't pay too much attention.

"You weren't supposed to be here tonight." The person said behind me. I quickly spun around only to face the one and only, Angie. Only this time she was in a servers uniform.

"Excuse me? I'm here for a wedding rehearsal." I said stepping and grabbing a couple paper towels. I was about to leave not wanting to deal with her but she spoke up quickly.

"Carter's. Danny's older sister. Danny knows I work here and texted me, you weren't supposed to me here." She stated once again. I got a hollow feeling in my chest. I turned around to face her.

"I don't believe you." I said firmly. It felt like my heart stopped beating. This wasn't real.

She smirked and pulled out her phone. She tapped away for a few seconds then turned it to me.

It was Danny's name across the top. With two hearts. Mine clenched.

'You working tonight?'

'Yeah, will you be there?'

'Good, I'll meet you when my parties over. Me and my girl are done.'

That was it but it was enough. There wasn't anything above it so it had to be him. This wasn't real. Everything around me shifted and I felt heavy. We weren't real.

She pulled the phone away.

I took a step back and looked at her with flooded eyes. Her smirk hadn't changed.

"He never liked you. Hell, he'll probably still get some money just for touching you." She said calmly. I bit my lip to hold back a sob but I couldn't move. I couldn't just turn around and leave. My feet were glued to the floor.

"Aw, are you in love with him?" She asked with a gasp at my reactionless self.

"That's a shame cause he never loved you." She paused and went to the door before turning around. "And he never will. All you are is a fat, ugly person who doesn't deserve love." Then she left. It was done.

The bet was always there. He didn't like me. He never did. Danny was with Angie this whole time and they just wanted a good ol' mind fuck. The tears poured over this time and I couldn't help but sink to the bathroom floor in a puddle of a broken heart. I tore my hair down as they fell and ran my hands threw my hair so hard it was a wonder I didn't rip it all out. My chest grew tight as I tried to breath and my hands went to my neck and chest, scratching for something to happen. I took a big gasp as a choked sob poured out and I clamped my hands over my mouth trying to stay quiet. Struggled sobs came out as those three messages played out in my head.

How could I be so naïve?

I need to get out of here. I needed fresh air.

I stood up carefully and rinsed my hands then grabbed a paper towel quickly. My face was red and blotchy through my makeup and my mascara left blackness under my eyes and I smudged it away with the damp paper. The tears didn't seize as I tried to calm down and scrambled for my phone. Another choked sob came out as I reached Addison's contact and took a couple breaths to try and sound normal. It wasn't working.

"Hey Melly, what's up?" She asked cheerfully into the phone. I don't think there was ever another time in my like I was so happy for her to pick up the phone.

"I'm sorry if you're busy but please come get me." I had to gasp for air as my chest tightened again. "I'm at the hotel off King's street just please come get me. I will tell you everything later." I said as I leaned against the counter for support. I could hear her shuffling in the back ground telling her mom where she was going.
"I'll be there in seven minutes. I'll come in and get you. Where are you?" She rushed out calmly. I coughed as I tried to answer before someone was banging on the door.

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