Chapter 5

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Mabel Gleeful whipped another dagger at Will. It landed three centimeters from his head. She always made sure to miss some of the time. Watching him flinch was just as entertaining than actually hitting him. It was also much more fun to play with him in human form. She knew that mentally he felt a lot more vulnerable in human form. He kneeled across the room with his shirt off.  No chains were needed because he knew if he tried to escape that his punishment would be ten times worse than any play time they had.

“Miss Mabel,” a voice called

“Soos, you better have a reason for interrupting my fun.” Mabel replied without turning around. She sashed across the room and grabbed Will’s chin. “We are having fun, aren’t we Will?”

“Yes, l-l-l-lots of f-fun.” He stuttered.

“Good little toy.” She told him as she ran her fingers through his blue hair.

“Pacifica and a young boy are asking for you, Miss.” He told her.

She inspected her perfectly done nails; looking for a imperfection that was obviously not there. “Why should I care?”

“They say it’s about your brother.”
She stiffened, that really changed everything. She hated Pacifica WestEast with a burning passion. The only reason she had not wasted the maggot was that Dipper swore that if she did, that he would kill her Giddy bear. Besides, Pacifica cared about her brother If she came to her then it must have been important.

“Then perhaps you should have started with that, you idiotic fool.” She snarled.

“Sorry, Miss.” Soos said “I promise that it will not happen again-“

“Shut up and lead the way, fool.” She snapped before turning back to her pet. “Get up and go clean something.”
Will morphed back into his demon form and disappeared.

She followed Soos down the hall to see Pacifica and….. Gideon? Had her Giddy Bear come to see her? No, the boy was much to skinny to be her adorable Giddy. It took a few seconds to recognize the boy, and when she did she was surprised that she did not realized it sooner. She rushed over and knelt down in front of him.

“Dipper?” she asked as she cupped his small cheek in her hand.

“Mabel?” he asked in return.

How could this happen? Some sort of age spell? He looked exactly like he did when he was twelve. Who could have done this? Perhaps when he changed he needed something to wear so that would explain Gideon’s clothes. She glanced at Pacifica. It was probably her fault.

“What the *heck* happened?” She snapped at Pacifica before turning back to her brother. “Are you ok?” she asked gently.

“It’s a long story.” Dipper said “I am actually not from this world.”

“What do you mean?” she asked

She waited patiently as he told her his story. She should have been furious that her brother was gone, if anyone else told her they would be dead. Yet, in this small boy she saw her twin. He had a brave face on, but she knew her brother enough to recognize the fear in his eyes. They poor boy had been ripped away from his home and into a completely different world. He was scared and he had come to her for help. Her heart warmed and she instantly felt protective over her little twin. She could never hurt a single hair on his head, and not let anyone else do it either. She would already be willing to kill to protect him.

Pacifica on the other hand was a different story. By the way Dipper told the story, if Pacifica was smart enough not to make stupid deals then none of this would have happened. She not only put her brother in trouble, but also this version of her brother. Pacifica deserved a very slow and very painful death. Will would probably be happy to take a break from their play time……..  Yet, this Dipper seemed to be the hero type, as silly as the idea was, so she did not want to scare him off.

“Will you help me?” he asked hopefully

She smiled, not her wicked grin or the fake smile she used for shows, her real smile which she hardly ever used. “Of course. I have always wanted a little brother anyway. Are you hungry?”

He nodded eagerly “Please.”

She grabbed him by the hand and lead him to the dinning room. She mentally told Will to teleport Pacifica back to her home and to prepare a dinner for her twin/little brother. They walked through the house and she answered his questions.

“How old are you?”

“Fifteen, almost sixteen.”

“Where did Pacifica go?”

“Huh, she must have gone home.”

“This place is huge. How do we afford it?”

“We do shows.”

“What kind?”


“Er….Okay. I bet Gruncle Stan is really proud.”

“Not really. He is dead.”

“What?” he asked horrified.

Perhaps she should have rephrased that better. She forced tears. “He died a few months ago from cancer.”


Time to change the subject. “The dinning room is through here. I am sure that you are starving.”

Pacifica was surprised at Mabel’s kind act, but she knew that she was up to something. She tried to follow them down the hall, but suddenly she was at home. Oh, no. Who knows what Mabel could be doing to him at this moment. She promised to protect him and she had already lost him. Not only had she lost him, but she had lead him into the dragons lair. She had to save him or she would never forgive herself. Poor Dipper.
I had a lot of fun writing reverse Mabel. I think I did pretty well; what do you think? Please review

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