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Well Lauren came back and told us are jobs and I don't really know what it is about this girl  she  that's make me want befriend her she just seem so real

My job is a to guard the camp at night time its was a great job for me because I'm a great shot
Jack was to go out and find new people to add to the camp and Naomi was to go out to find food and other supplies
Mindy and Louis  where just to go to school for an hour an the afternoon and to teach a few kids how to use weapons  they where happy to help

We discussed that we would stay until shit hit the fan like it all was does 
Right now I'm looking over the giant fence that surrounds the camp
"Hey" a voice whispered in my direction
I  immediately pulled out my gun
To face the voice
"Its just me clam down" it was Lauren
"Oh sorry no one is really here at night why are you not in bed " I asked worriedly 

I guess she sense worry because she smiled at me to insure me that she was okay
"I just couldn't sleep and I knew you where on guard and I just wanted to talk to you more" she told me confidently

I looked a her and smiled "I haven't seen tay an a while how is she?"

"She's doing good still trying to find some thing to save are dad"she says with a roll of her eyes
"What you don't want to save you're dad too?"

"No not really he's not really a good Person he used to put tay into the trunk of his when she would cry to much as a baby  he left us in our home for days on end without seeing him the lights Would get cut off all the time and heat one time tay got so sick she almost Died "she told me so calmly like it no longer matter and I guess it didn't

"Lol out" she whispers

One walker was Approaching the gates it looked to be a middle-aged woman  she was dressed as  getting ready for a job interview blazer an old jeans.

"Are you going to get it or should I" Lauren asked.
"Just let it be it's only one"
"But it could attract more" she replied nervously
I could tell by her behavior she didn't much care for the walker none of us really of course but I could tell it was some thing different then the regular nervous

"If you really nervous about I'll get but I don't to cause any commotion to attract others"  I said calmly

"I'll go get you a silencer" she is eager to see it gone

"No need" I started to  call Vicky climb over the gate I could hear Lauren   muffled screams to get back over.
But I was already touching the ground before she could stop me

Blazer came right to me with no hesitation I reached for my knife in my back pocket when I realised I had.  l left it over the gate

"Oh shit!" I yelled as I dodged a  lunge from blazer

Pushing her out of my way

"Lauren I forgot my knife throw it down to me !"
"Are you kidding me Y/N why the Hell did you jump without checking if you had your knife!
"I was in the moment!" I whispered yelled dodging  another lunge form blazer
"Just Throw it!"

In the matter of second I felt the worst pain I have every experience  Lauren I thrown the knife right into my foot. But there was no time to yell in pain because blazer was back on her feet I grabbed the knife out of my foot.
And stuck right between her eyes
When she finally down I could feel the pain. Coming back to me
"What the fuck Lauren why did you drop on my foot!"
"I told you to come back over you should have listened" she said with a smirk

I couldn't have believed it she did it on purpose talk about crazy she better be glad she's cute
I search blazer  to see if I found anything good but she had nothing

"Come back up now it's almost morning you wanna try to sleep for a few hours"

I expected her one more be for grabbing the the blazer off of her back and putting it own myself

"Eww y/n put that down that's gross"

I didn't listen climbing back up the gate  to come face face with Lauren she had a nasty look on her face

"Oh come on it doesn't look that bad on me does it?"I  said with a smile trying to get her to smile it worked

" You look ridiculous" she said with a small laugh
"Don't be like that come give me a hug" I said stretching my arms out and moving closer to her
"Ewww no y/n that's gross don't touch me in that" she laughs trying to run away but she's to late my already there with my arms around her
She burst out laugh seemingly not  being able to stop  I continued to hold her until she hugs me back we stand on top the fence with her head into my shoulder for a few minutes
"Y/N your shift is over you can come down now "I hear
I let go of Lauren her cheeks are red I smile at her and point to the  ladder leading down into the square

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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