Thirty- five

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Oh. My. God.

"B-bone cancer?" My dad nearly cried. "That's impossible, my wife is as healthy as can be. That's preposterous!" I hold my dad's hand, not because he was said, but because I was afraid he was going to faint because he was shaking so badly.
"I don't know what to tell you, Sir. The tests say it all, she has been diagnosed with it for two months. Has she ever complained about aching before?"
"At the mall a little bit ago, she was complaining about her arm, that was it." Dad answers the doctor.
"Okay, so it is an early case of the disease, so we should be able to get it out of her system with a year or two." Dad's jaw drops. "But, if our operations do not succeed, you may lose your wife during surgery." The doctor leaves the room and Dad falls into a chair.
"I can't lose her, Bec. She's all I have." He looks up at me. She's all I have. "Beca, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"
"No, it's fine, Dad. You're under a ton of stress and she's your wife! I'd do the same if it were Jesse." Dad nods. I sit on the chair next to him and I run his back again. "It's going to be okay. It'll be okay."

Hey guys! Short update but I'll update later today!

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