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"Hi Sheila." I knock on the house of my dad's and his wife's.

"Hello Beca." Her face is stern, straight and serious. "How was college?"

"Not too bad, I'm just really tired." She nods and moves out of the door way, inviting me in. I go straight to my room. Jesse probably hasn't landed yet, but I think Chloe is home now. I decided to call her.

"Beca!" She squeals on the other end. I chuckle at her girly greeting. "Hi! What's up? I think I might cry."

"I already miss everyone." I admit.

"Me too, but it'll get easier. Like, it was hard when Aubrey left, but it got easier because she calls and everything." I sigh into the phone, then I realize the time.

"Um, I'll call you tomorrow, okay, Chloe?" I ask.

"Yeah, okay, Beca, I'll talk to you then."

"Okay, bye." I hang up and I lay down on my bed. I think about the girls, if they're upset about moving away from college, too. I eventually fall asleep.

Jesse's POV

My plane has been delayed for until tomorrow morning. I decide to see if Beca is up, I call her.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice answers. If girls think guys sleepy voices are adorable, they should hear Beca's.

"Beca, hey." I greet her.

"Hey, did your plane land already?" She asks, I feel so bad, I'm supposed to see her tomorrow, but now I can't.

"No, not exactly, it's delayed." I explain, I know she's frowning on the other line, I can hear in the way she talks.

"Oh, okay. Th-that's cool, how long is your flight?"

"Six hours, and then I'm supposed to drive to you, and-" but she interrupts me before I can apologize.

"No, Jesse, it's fine, it's okay. You're going to be so tired, just rest tomorrow."

"Bec, I really want to see you, but I can't, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, it sucks, I know, but it's not your fault." She explains.

"I- I can still drive over there." I try to convince her to let me, but it fails.

"It's a two and a half hour drive, it'll be too dangerous, don't. We can see each other on Sunday, I promise." She assures me.

"Okay." I sigh. "You should get some sleep."

"Just talk to me." She pleas. "Ask me anything."

"How's Sheila?" I ask. I've only heard of Sheila through Beca's dad, because Beca isn't very fond of the subject.

"She's fine, I guess."

"When can I meet your mom?" I ask, silence fills the other end until Beca finally speaks up.

"I-I didn't know you wanted to meet her."

"I think I do."

"Okay." Is all she says.



"Oh my God- we just The Fault In Our Starred this shit."

"What the hell is The Fault In Our Stars?" She asks, I about faint.

"Only the greatest sob fest ever! It's a movie, Beca!" I exclaim.

"Of course, a movie."

"Okay, let me tell you about it." I clear my throat and I start to tell her about The Fault In Our Stars. "So, there's this girl, Hazel Grace Lancaster and she meets this guy, Augustus Waters at a support group, because she has cancer and so does this other guy, who comes with his friend, Isaac, who's going to go blind in a few weeks..." I hear silence on the other end, indicating, she's fallen asleep. "I love you, Bec, good night."

Beca's POV

My dad wakes me up, I groan.

"Hey Beca, wake up."

"Get out, I don't want to get up. If I can't see Jesse or my friends, get out." I demand. "Please, just get out." I know my dad leaves because I can feel some weight from my bed get picked up and I hear my door open, then creak close. My phone rings, but I let it ring out until the ringing stops. After it does stop, I go back to sleep. I wake up at 12:30, so I decide to go get some breakfast.

"You should apologize to your dad." Is the first thing I hear when I walk into the kitchen and it's Sheila.

"It's none of your business." I warn.

"It is, I'm your mother now, so you should follow what I say, you need to go apologize, you hurt his feelings." My jaw drops once I hear what she just said to me.

"Sheila, I don't care, my mom is my mom, not you. You're a replacement that just doesn't fit." I growl, I know it was rude, but it shut her up.

"When will Andy be here?" Sheila changes the subject off of her.

"I don't know what time his plane left, so I have no idea." I answer as I chug down water.

"Okay, well I didn't go to work Friday, so I have to go today." Sheila fakes a smile and walks out the door. My phone buzzes, it's Amy, trying to FaceTime me.

"Hey Ames." I greet her.

"Ames, I like it!" I see Bumper in the background.

"Bumper!" I call out to him, he stops and looks at the screen, then walks over to Amy and I.

"Hi Beca." He greets, Amy smiles.

"We got build-a-bears!" Amy exclaims happily, making me lightly laugh.

"Well, im glad you guys are having fun." I sigh.

"Where's Jesse?" Asks Bumper.

"His plane just boarded this morning, so he's going to be on a plane ride for six hours, then he's going to rest, and then drive here." I explain, both of them nod in understanding. "I'm kind of glad you called though, Patricia."

"Don't call me that. Like ever again." Amy warns at me.

"Okay, Ames."

"Yeah, call me that!" I chuckle at her excitement. "But dude, why are you so glad I called?"

"I need entertainment, Sheila is a total bitch." I complain, Amy laughs a little.

"I need to meet this chick."

"Even more, Jesse wants to meet my mom." I say and Amy's jaw drops to the floor, I have to hold myself from laughing at it.

"Your cheesing mum?!" She hollers, it makes Bumper take a step back.

"Yeah." I pull a piece of hair to go behind my ear. "Should I let him?"

"Beca, you're mum probably doesn't give a shit about you. I mean, she acts like she does, but if I were you, I wouldn't give a shit about her, either. You haven't seen in five years, she never even came to say good bye when you were leaving for college!"

"I know." I scratch my forehead. "I'm so screwed up."

"Jesse obviously doesn't think so." I nod, this chick flit moment is giving me a headache, yet a small smile.

"Yeah, I don't think so." A voice speaks behind me. I turn around to see no other than the nerd I fell in love with.

"Dammit Jesse, you scared me." I scold through my smile. "You're back." I walk over to him and we wrap our arms around eachother. He attaches our lips, I can feel his smile mimick mine through the kiss.

"I was going to do that really creepy voice on this horror movie I watched, like, I'm baaaaack." I laugh at his imitated voice. "Let's kiss again, because I totally just screwed the moment." I feel his hands wrap around my waist as my arms curl around his neck. "I love you, Beca."

"I love you, Jesse." I reply through my smile as I look up at him.

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