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"I love you." Bumper kisses my forehead before we have the bride and groom dance.

"I love you too, tush cakes." I giggle a little at the nickname I have for him. Before we dance, Beca speaks.

"Hi everybody." She speaks on stage, into a microphone. "I'm Beca, Amy's a Capella sister, at least that's what I wish we were- related, because of how amazing she is. Um, yeah, I wrote this song for Amy's other a ca sisters and I to sing to, for Amy's dance." All of my family and friends smile in awe at what Beca did for me. "Okay, one, two, three..."

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh, ohhhhh." Beca looks at all of the girls and snaps her fingers. "I- I - I can't believe this is me, marryin' you, and you marrying- well, me." Emily and Beca walk upfront, almost on the edge of the stage, and sing a duet.

"Well, yeah, maybe it's a little crazy at so young, so, so, young... But you know, if it's true love, then it's reaaaaasonable. Though it might seem a little bit crazay, I assure it's not a layzay decision, it's just love, love, love..." Beca steps up even further for a solo as Emily steps back and I sneak a look at her as Bumper twirls me around.

"This may be crazy, but it's not reckless, it's true love... True love..." Then all the girls sing along and Beca steps back where the rest of the girls are.

"This may be crazy, but it's not reckless... It's true love, true love, true love... Even at so young, even at so younggg, it's not reckless... It's trueee love..." When the song ends, Bumper and I go to take a seat.

"Okay everyone, family, friends, I have to say something. I'm so proud of you, Amy. You really have come far, from when I first met you and we were both looking for clubs and events to join. We really first met at a Jewish DJing club." She chuckles at the memory before continuing. "You were denying that ciao was an actual word, and then, that was the beginning of what you call Bamy." The guests chuckle at Beca's story as she steps off the stage and takes a seat at one of the tables. So

Glasses clink and my father starts to speak.

"Hello everyone, I am Amy's father, James. I would like to say a few things about how proud I am of dear Amy and her fellow, Bumper." He points to a wall and a large projector unrolls onto the wall. The first picture is a picture of Bumper and I when we went to visit my dad last summer. "This is obviously, our bride and groom. This picture was took last summer when they came to visit me when I still lived in California." He smiles for a minute and the slide continues. "this is when Amy was six, I had to dig through hundreds of photo albums for this one," he chuckles. "And she would always plan out the perfect wedding with Ken and Barbie, because, and I quote... They're only perfect match that exists. But, Amy, sweetie, you were wrong, Bunper and you are a perfect match." I feel Bumper squeeze my hand under the table as my dad goes to take a seat.

A/n:-): hey dudes, I know I haven't been on a lot, it's just, right now, my life is a bitch. Haha sorry.

So if you don't like that I'm not on much and you're pissed, cry me a river, honestly. It's my life. Later dudes, I'll try to update ASAP:-)

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