The Ball Game

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"Krista, I'm glad you could make it"Jenn told me

"Yea, I'm glad I could come too."

She introduced me to everyone and told me they had all met because of YouTube. They were all so nice. Sam, Connor, Ricky, Kian, and Jc all have a channel called Our Second Life and jarred was part of a channel called Hoe2l. Andrea and Jenn have their own channels and a collab on awesomeness Tv called The Jenn and Andrea Show.

We ate lunch for a while and I got really close with everyone. Especially Sam, kian, jarred, and Andrea. Jc, Connor, and Ricky were cool too, just a few years older. Kian and Andrea were really cute together. Sam and I were sitting next to each other making fun of them saying to get a room and stuff.

After about four hours of eating and talking we went to Acacia and Trevor's baseball game cause the guys said they would support Trevor.

-at the softball game-

(Sams pov)

The second I saw her on the field a felt something. Yea, I know Acacia had been hitting on me for a while and stuff but I don't care. It sounds really clichè but I don't tend to get any feelings towards girls. When Jenn told me she was gonna join us for lunch I knew I had to get on her good side. She made for good compamy. She would tease kian and Andrea and make jokes about everything. I know this Is gonna sound kinda creepy but I was watching her practice and she was amazing. My dad had told me we were getting a new girl that was one of the best players he had ever seen. Honestly, my dad somehow knew she was perfect for me. His exact words were "Sammers, she's a keeper. Don't do anything stupid to mess this up" I didn't know what he meant till I saw her. I'm supposed to be known as the 'player' of the group. I get all the girls. Usually I just take them on one date. I've never actually felt something towards a girl till now.

We were going to Acacia and Trevor's ball game now. I had heard from one of Acacias friends that she was planning to make her move on me today. She's our school slut. (A/N: no hate towards acacia, it just fits the story) one night and you're out of the question. I'm not like that of course, I make the girl feel special. I never kiss them or say I love you. I don't think it's a word that should just be tossed around.

Anyways, we're heading over to their game and decided to vlog.

"Heeeeeeeey guuuuuuys!! It's saaaam!!! I'm on my way to Trevor's baseball game!! Yay! Go Trev-Trev! Yea, so..uhhh...what? No! She did not! Oh! Sorry guys! Jarred was just telling me something. What was I saying? Oh! On our way to the game. I'm meeting up with Jenn, Andrea, and my newest most amazing friend Krista!!" I started to blush when I said her name "for those of you who don't know who Krista is a girl who just started at my soccer club. She's really good! I'm jealous of how good she is. well, we're at the game now so I'll vlog later when I do something fun."

And with that we stepped out of the car.

(a/n: I am editing this chapter two years later and I am laughing at this because Sam doesn't even vlog)

(Kristas pov)

As we left the restaurant, I left in a car with Andrea and Jenn. The second we were away from ear shot of the boys I was bombarded with question like: "do you like sam?" "Do you think Sam is hot?" And a question from Andrea I kinda laughed at "you don't like kian right? Cause he's off limits." I told her not to worry and that I did think Sam was cute and that I might have a crush on him. Jenn and Andrea both awwww'd and I just rolled my eyes.

The second we all calmed down, One Directions song 'what makes you beautiful' came on and we all went crazy. I guess Jenn decided to vlog our craziness.. Once the song was over Jenn turned the camera over to where Andrea and I were sitting. We both made a silly face at the camera and then Jenn introduced us. We had a blast making the vlog just saying random things.

Once we arrived at the field we saw the guys pull in at the exact same moment. Sam and I jumped out of the car at the same time. I guess we both noticed cause we started to laugh really hard. Then he pulled out his camera and started to vlog.

I'm back, and this is Krista. The girl I was talking about."

I blushed at the thought of him talking about me. Sadly he noticed me blush.

"Awww! Is wittle Kwista bwushing be cause Sammy was talking about her?"

"No, I'm blushing because your stupidness make me boil up inside." I barked back knowing that was awful.

"Wow..that's the best you got? No wonder you're still single."

"Who says I'm single?!" I faked an insulted voice.

He replied, "oh, uh..well..are you uh, single?"

"Hell yea! Imma single Pringle NOT ready to mingle!!" I shouted this really loud. Sam cracked up. After he calmed down he said his good byes telling everyone that they're beautiful.


Once we were in the bleachers watching the game, I could see Acacia totally flirting with Sam from the stands. I don't know why, but an uneasy feeling came into my stomach at the thought of that. Do I actually like Sam? No, I can't. I literally just told me ex that I still love him. I'll look like a player. But then again, he is really cute and funny... No! Stop it Krista! No more boys!

(Sams pov)

I could see Krista having a mental argument with herself. She was so cute. I could see Acacia flirting with me pretty much the whole time we had been there, but I didn't really care.

Once the game was over, Krista asked me where the bathrooms were and I pointed to where they were. As she was walking over I saw her clumsily bump into someone. She seemed to have stopped in her tracks and they started to talk. I have to admit I was getting jealous. I know she isn't mine but I didn't want anybody else to have her. Then I saw Acacia packing up her stuff and walk over towards me.

(Trevor's pov)

I knew Sam and the other guys were meeting up after Sams, Jenns, and Andreas soccer practice but what I didn't know is that they would be bringing such a beautiful girl with them. The second she jumped out of the car and started to laugh along with Sam, I don't even know. Hard to explain I guess. The entire game I would glance at her. But whenever I did she would be talking to Sam or starring at him. I figured this was one of his one date wonders.

After the game was over I had to kinda rush off to my vocal lessons. As I was running over to the bus stop I ran into someone. I looked up and starred into the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. It was the girl Sam was with. She was talking to me, I think she was saying sorry but I was too busy lost in her eyes. Did I actually just think that?

We started to talk for a bit but it was nothing really. She kept glancing at Sam. And sadly..Sam kept glancing at her. After about two minutes she looked down at her phone and said she had to go. I realized I hadn't even got her name! I didn't want to ask Sam because I didn't want him asking me why I wanted to know. So instead I yelled back

"Wait, I never even got your name"

Either she didn't hear me or she was ignoring me.

When I was about to get on the bus i looked at her one last time but noticed she was on the ground and Sam was looking down at her. At first I thought Sam had hurt her but i knew he would never do that. Then I saw a softball near her head. Acacia was near by with smirk on her face.

I had to fight the temptation to run over to her. I knew Sam had it all under control. Andrea, Jenn, jarred, Connor, kian, and jc were all surrounding her trying to wake her up. Ricky was calling 911 I think.

Then I heard the sirens and there was the paramedics. The girl I fell in love with at first sight. In the back of an ambulance..with Sam. Perfect.

- Heeey guys! I don't know if anyone is even reading this so I might delete it. If u don't want me to delete it please comment and vote! Also, what do you think should happen? Kam? Kevor? Or maybe even Karred? -


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