Summer Vacation #1

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Y/N's Point of View

Tomorrow is already summer vacation and here we are forming a group inside an empty classroom planning for tomorrow and were not getting to anywhere. Elias and Luca are arguing as always.

Luca: Prince Elias, calm down.

Elias: I'll incinirate you if call me that one more time!

Randy: Elias, Luca you both calm down.

Y/N: Its no use...

Yukiya: It will usually end if no one talks.

Y/N: Luca! Will you stop?

Luca: Okay, geez.

Joel: Finally some peace.

Randy: So where do you plan to go?

Yukiya: Since its summer why not go to the beach?

Luca: Or, we can go to the beach! *laughs*

Y/N: That's exactly what Yukiya said...

Elias: ...!

Amelia: That is a nice idea um... Yukiya.

Randy: Yay! Beach!

Luca: Looks like everyone is in favor. Azusa and Prefect Klaus are you both in?

Azusa: As long as its fine to everyone.

Klaus: Don't look at me.

Luca: Alright! Pack your bags and we'll meet in front of the main building!

Yukiya: Its just one night right?

Elias: I object!

Luca: Awww... Prince Elias is being a kill joy right now. Y/N, would you please do something?

Elias: Grrr...!

Y/N: U-Ummm... Calm down, Elias.

Randy: Eh? Are you afraid of the beaches or something, Elias? *pokes your arm*

Elias: *imagines Y/N in a cute swimsuit* *blush*

Y/N: Elias. Why are you blushing?

Elias: ....!

Joel: Just agree would you, Elias?

Klaus: If he doesn't we can have fun. *smirks at Elias*

Elias: Tch..! *imagines the whole group having fun with Y/N without him* Okay fine I agree!

And with that, everything was settled. *sigh* We're going to stay at the Goldstein's vacation house for three days. Tomorrow will be the buying of swimsuits and other stuffs. Great, as if I'm that rich to buy my own swimsuit.

~The Following Day~

Amelia was rushing me to get ready and said that were late and when I look at the clock it was already late! I hurriedly got up and fixed myself after that, Amelia dragged me all the way to the Main Building.

~Main Building~

When we got here, all of the boys were already waiting and were looking at us. They are early risers. Sheesh.

Klaus: You two are late.

Luca: Hey, Y/N and Amelia!

Yukiya: What took you so long?

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