Blaze's Point of View

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Blaze's Point of View

Here he comes... I-I'm gonna f-faint..! Oh dear gedonelune, d-don't faint Blaze..! This is your chance..!

Elias: Just get over it. *blushing*

Blaze: Y-Yes!

Elias: *bends*

My heart is going to pop out of my chest. He's so close... I can feel my cheeks are burning.

Relax, Blaze. Its just a kiss on the cheek... A k-k-kiss... On th-the cheek...

*kisses Elias*

I kissed him! I kissed him! I did it...!

Elias: D-Don't say a word... *blushing*

Blaze: *nods*

He walked to the next as Luca walked in front of me. He has this mischievous smile on his face that O can't seem to understand. He's enjoying this isn't he?

Luca: Hmm? I wonder why is this cute little girl is blushing?

Blaze: I-I'm not..!

Luca: Is it because you have a crush on me?

Blaze: In your dreams!

I suddenly stole a quick glance at Elias.

Luca: Oh? You have a crush on Prince Elias? *whispers*

Blaze: S-S-Shut it..!

Luca: Alright. *smirks* I can't compete with that.

Blaze: Bend down will you!

Luca: *bends*

*kisses Luca*

Hmph... Luca. He's annoying as ever... But he's like a brother to me.

Luca: Thanks sweety. That was sweet.

Blaze: Errr...

Without saying another word, he moves and then the next, Yukiya. Yukiya looked at me with no expression on his face so I can't tell if he's embarrassed or not.

Blaze: U-Umm...

Yukiya: You really don't have to.

Even though he said that, I feel guilty if I didn't gave him a kiss. And it will be unfair for him because I kissed everyone on the cheek.

Blaze: Its okay. Please bend over. *smiles*

Yukiya: Alright. *bends*

*kisses Yukiya*

I felt that it didn't matter to him if I kiss him or not. But like I said, it will be unfair. As I watch him go to the next person, Lance came in sight. It made me nervous because for all I know, Sapphire and Lance are dating.

Lance: Don't give me that look.

Blaze: What look?

Lance: You thought me and Sapphire are dating? *whispers*

Blaze: ...!

Lance: Don't worry, were not 'yet' dating.

Blaze: A-Alright. For a second there I thought you two are dating.

Lance: *mutters to himself* One day.

Blaze: What?

Lance: Nothing. *bends*

*kisses Lance*

Weird, I thought they were dating. But I guess they're not and it seems like Lance have a thing for her too.

Next in line was Randy. I've always thought that Aki and Randy are perfect for each other. Their attitude compliments each other. I wonder if they have a thing?

Randy: Alright! Lay it on me! *grins*

Blaze: Oh you. *giggles*

Taffy: M-Me first..!

Randy: Ow, Taffy... You're so loud...

Taffy: S-Sorry master... *cries*

Randy: Aww... Don't cry, Taffy! I love you!

Taffy: *stops crying* *blushing*

Blaze: Aww... How cute.

Randy: *bends* Hehehe...

*kisses Randy and Taffy*

They are really cute together. I can't deny that. Then, Prefect Klaus walked in front of me. He was looking down on me, I didn't know he was this tall. His amethyst eyes pierced theough me, he looked just like Elias...

Klaus: *waits for you to kiss him*

Blaze: *wait for him to bend*

Klaus: ...

Blaze: ...

Klaus: *exasperated sigh* Are you going to do it not?

Blaze: S-Sorry..! I was waiting for you to bend since I can't reach you.

Klaus: Why didn't you said a thing?

Blaze: Sorry...

Klaus: *sigh* *bends*

*kisses Prefect Klaus*

And that's the last of the boys... Then, suddenly I remembered when I kissed Elias on the cheek. I begin to blush again.

Blaze: (Oh... Elias...)

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