Chapter 5

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Brenda's POV
"So you are saying work is more important to you than family?", I asked him.

"No. My family is everything to me. I was very important...I had been working on something really important and if I don't show up today then whatever I worked on would be a total I had to go. I will be back tonight and I will meet you then and explain everything", he said hurriedly.

"Ok Mr.Brown. I suggest you get back soon and you better have a really good explanation for your departure", I said and with that I cut the call and looked up at David who was listening in on the whole conversation.

"I can't really understand his character", he told me.

"Do you think he took her? Even if he did what would be his motive?", I asked him.

"That's the same question that has been bugging my mind. Anyway, did you check up on the whereabouts of her uncle and friend?", he asked me.

"Yep. Her uncle was at work the whole day and he has a strong alibi, but he was seen leaving office earlier than usual that evening and no one knew where he went. He returned home after 3 hours and his GPS was turned off", I said.

"Hmm", he said deep in thought.

"Her friend left office 10 minutes after he sent the last text to her and came back after an hour but...", I said and waited for him.

"But?", he asked me.

"Guess where he was during that one hour", I asked him.

"No way...don't tell me he was at the same mall as her", he asked me shocked.

"That's right. He was seen going to that mall and he didn't seem interested in shopping. Instead he went into the same lane where Callie went missing and spent a good ten minutes and came back out. But all this happened after the camera feed was back to normal", I told him confused.

"That still makes him a very strong suspect. Let's talk to him and find out what his business was out there", he told me and with that we left to meet Mr.Matthew.

Callie Brown's POV
"Take it off!", he told me.

"No way! Go to hell", I yelled back to him.

"Listen-reward, defy-punishment", he told me calmly.

"What?", I asked him confused.

"Those are the rules. If you be a good little girl and listen to me, you get rewarded but if you be a bad girl and defy me, then you get punished. So I'm telling you for the last time. Take your clothes off!", he said slowly but sternly.

"No!", I told him not backing down and stood my ground. He had uncuffed me but my eyes were still blindfolded and I was pushed against the wall. I could feel his presence before me blocking my only imaginary way out of this place.

"Ok bad girl, time for your punishment then", he said and walked away. With that, I tried to take my blindfold off and try to make an escape. But the moment my hands went near the blindfold, his voice echoed throughout the room.

"Touch that blindfold and I will make sure you regret it", he said but that didn't stop me.

Before I could even try and take it off, I felt something sharp hit my hands and I fell to the ground clutching ny hand and crying out in pain.

"Dare to defy me and that is what you get. You made a lot of bad choices today baby girl and it's time for you to face the consequences", he said and with that he hit me again repeatedly with what I assumed was a whip. My skin burned with every lash of the whip and tears were flowing down freely. My vision was blocked by the soaking blindfold and I dared not take my hands there again. I tried to take the pain and not show my weakness infront of him but I couldn't after a certain point.

"Please stop. Please!", I cried to him but he didn't stop. I cried out in pain and finally after few more lashes he stopped. I was crawled up on the floor and clutched something cold, what I assumed was the leg of the cot.

"That should teach you a lesson not to take off your blindfold again", he said a little shaky.

"Now your punishment for defying my orders to take off your dress", he said and I heard him walk towards me.

"Stand up", he said standing before my curled up form.

My body was burning all over from the pain and I couldn't move an inch but the threat in his voice was more than enough for me to try and stand up. I tried with all my might but my legs gave out. After a few minutes of my struggle, he let out a sigh and pulled me up and made me sit on the bed.

"Since it's your first day, I will go easy on you. If you don't want another punishment, be a good little girl and TAKE OFF YOUR DRESS!", he said stressing on the last few words.

I had no strength in my body to fight him so I did as he said until I was only in my undergarments. I felt exposed and tried to cover myself up with my hands.

"Good girl. Now try and get some sleep for I have something lined up for you later. Get all the rest you can now because you won't be getting any later", he said and tied my hands to the bed loosely but not lose enough for it to come off, and left.

I felt exhausted and my body ached everywhere. I lied back down on the bed and let the tears flowed freely from my eyes. I thought about mom and Ky. I would have been in a whole lot different situation if the evening had gone as planned and if I didn't get abducted by a psychopath. I cried for a while and let sleep consume me as I wondered what he had planned for me later.

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