Chapter 17

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Callie Brown's POV
I narrated the entire incident since the day I was kidnapped as the Officer held on to my hand.

"He tortured me by beating with lashes, rods at times but after punishing me he used to come back after a while and apply medicine. His mood swings were totally unpredictable and somehow he found a way to punish me for anything I did. The worst of all he kept me blindfolded all the time. One day he took it off for hardly a minute and I made the wrong choice by attacking him. That was the day everything became worse. Since that day, his levels of torture were totally different and I just wished I was dead. He got pleasure from my screams and tears.

My body became numb with pain as days went by and I could see him get frustrated often. He was troubled with something but he kept talking about one thing, how I'm suffering all this because of not what I did but because of what the people around me did. When I asked him what he meant his punishments became unbearable and I chose to be quiet. He never stopped accusing them though.

One day I couldn't take any more of his torture and I decided it has to be either him or me. I wasn't going to take any more shit from him and so I sat down with the blind fold on the floor cross - legged and stayed quiet even when he kept yelling for me.

"Baby girl! I have been calling you for the past five minutes and you never came up. You know what you get when you don't answer me", he said and whipped me. Though the lashes were painful, I tried my best to control myself and showed no reaction on my face. I could see him get irritated and then he went and brought a screwdriver and opened my mouth. He pulled out my teeth using that and it was the most terrifying thing ever in my life. Blood was flowing down freely but even then I never showed any reaction. It was the most difficult thing I had ever done but I made up my mind.

"Alright. Let me see how you stay quiet for this", he said and took a knife and drove it right through my abdomen. My body started to shake from all the pain and blood but I made no noise or gave any reaction. He dropped the knife and slapped me. "Scream! Cry! Do something you bitch!", he said and hit me but I just sat there like I was dead. I wasn't going to give him the pleasure by letting out my pain. He tried to hit me, whip me again and made cuts on several delicate regions on my body but I still sat there like a rock.

I could hear the knife being dropped to the ground and he knelt down clutching his head in his hands and yelled out. I finally took off my blindfold and it took few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the dimly lit room. There was a small bulb on top that gave a faint glow to the room and I could see his silhouette clearly. He was kneeling on the floor with his back to me holding his head in his hands and saying something. I started to get light headed from all the blood I was losing and knew I didn't have much time. He was very vulnerable and I had to do something for everything he did to me.

With shaky hands I reached for the knife and clutched it tightly. Before he could turn around, I gathered all the strength left in my body and struck him on his back. He fell flat on the ground and I lost my balance and fell on top of him. He tried to turn around but I took the knife and struck it again on his back and all the places I could reach before he finally stopped moving. I was losing a lot of blood and I knew I was going to die too. I slowly got off him and threw the knife away from both of us. I tried to look at his face but it was covered with blood and to have a good look I had to turn his body. I didn't want to waste my last few minutes on him and I laughed at his lifeless body feeling proud that I finally killed him.

"You deserve worse you jerk!", I spat at him and took the stairs and went to the ground floor dragging myself all the way. I knew there was a phone in the living room and made my way there slowly. I went there and dialed the number I knew so well.

That was when I spoke to Ky and with that I fell unconscious. When I woke up I saw my mom standing next to me holding my hand", I finished.

"That was really brave of you Callie. Are you sure he was dead when you left him?", the Officer asked me.

"Yes. That is what I thought until Kyron told me there was no one in the basement", I said worried.

"Don't worry. We will take care of it. Do you know Mr. Valez?", she asked me showing a picture of a man.

"No. I don't", I told her.

"Ok. Get some rest. We will find him. Don't worry", she said and left with the other officer.

"Hey spongy", Kyron said as he entered after a while. "How did it go? What did you tell them?", he asked me curious.

"The truth", I told him avoiding to get into details again. I felt a little better after telling the officers everything and I could only wish they will find him soon.

"Very funny. Now tell me", he asked me curiously.

"No Ky. I'm not going to tell you. I don't want to", I told him not wanting to upset him.

"Ok", he said and sat silently.

"I heard you though", I told him and he looked up at me.

"What did you hear?", he asked me a little shocked.

The Mystery of Callie BrownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora