Happy Birthday

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Next Day


Tony, Pepper and Jax were on the plane ride home.

Pepper was watching TV.

Senator Stern was broadcasting. "It's just unbelievable. It proves that the genie is out of the bottle and these two men have no idea what they're doing. They think of the Iron Man and Gold Strike weapons as toys." Tony and Jax walked in. "I was at a hearing where the Starks, in fact, were adamant that these suits can't exist anywhere else, don't exist anywhere else, never will exist anywhere else, at least for five to ten years, and here we are in Monaco realizing, 'These suits exist now'."

"Mute," Tony told them.

The TV was put on mute.

Jax sat in a chair. "He should be giving us a medal. That's the truth."

Tony set down a platter.

"What is that?" Pepper asked.

"This is your in-flight meal," Tony answered, opening it to reveal the food inside.

"Did you just make that?" Jax asked.

Tony nodded. "Yeah. Where do you think I've been for three hours?"

Jax looked at him in confusion. "Dad, what are you not talking about?"

Tony looked at them. "I don't want to go home. At all. Let's cancel my birthday party and... We're in Europe. Let's go to Venice, Cipriani. Remember?"

"Oh, yes," Pepper answered.

"It's a great place to... be healthy," Tony told them.

"I don't think this is the right time," Pepper told him. "We're in kind of a mess."

"Yeah, but maybe that's why it's the best time," Tony told them. "'Cause then we..."

"Well, I think as the CEO, I need to show up," Pepper told him.

"As CEO, you are entitled to a leave," Tony told her.

"A leave?" Pepper repeated.

"A company retreat," Tony told them.

"A retreat?" Pepper repeated. "During a time like this?"

"Just a ride," Tony told them.

"Dad, what's going on with you?" Jax asked.

Tony looked at them, hesitating. "Nothing. Nothing's wrong. I just... I'm just saying to recharge our batteries and figure it all out."

"Not everybody runs on batteries, Tony," Pepper told him.

Gold Strike: Spiders: Iron Man 2 / Part Three in WC MarvelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant