"Thank you. " I whispered audibly not meeting his eyes.

I didn't see his eyes darken dangerously when he saw what I was wearing. His jaw locks tightly in anger.

"Eat now, you need it and I know you're hungry." He pushed the bowl near me.

"It's a "pancit mami" a Filipino cuisine which consists of canton noodles, cabbage, carrots, and egg. I don't like meat and I hope you'll like it." he briefly said before he started to eat in silence.

He didn't bother to answer my question and it's eating me inside why he was still here.

I also ate in silence and I tell you what. The food is so damn good. I think it's the best I've ever tasted and I might get addicted to it.

"It's delicious. " I said out of the blue and I blushed when I meet his intense stare.

He only nodded with his face completely mask his emotions.

Why is he so serious all of a sudden. He was like a robot sitting there, not speaking, and just staring at me.

I avoided his eyes and looking anywhere but him. I finished my food with slight discomfort with his eyes train on me.

Pushing the bowl, I gathered the courage to asked him again.

"Why are you  still here?"

I intake a sharp breath when he leaned forward and our faces were just a few inches apart.

"I couldn't leave you alone here with your condition. I don't trust your neighbors and this place is not even safe." He said coldly looking around the kitchen in displeasure.

"Nanay Belen live here half of her life and not one single day did something bad happen here. I am confident enough to stay here alone and I don't need your presence here." I replied in a monotone voice, showing my anger.

"I don't care and I don't want my unborn child growing up in this place unsecured. "

When his words sunk into my head. I feel like I just got hit by a truck making me want to hurl and I feel nauseous.

I look into my lap keeping my tear at bay.

Why is it so freaking hurts?

I should have known he only wants my baby and I am just like his plus one, a toy until he'll eventually get tired of me.

Why do I have to keep on hoping no matter how I try to convince myself not to read too much of his actions.

Of course, he is a man, after all, a man with needs.  My subconscious muttered.

I cringed inwardly knowing it's true.

"I want my child to grow up to a place where I can give him anything he needs within reach unlike here." He continued as if he was talking to a child who can't understand a single word.

It hurts and I can almost feel a billion knives stabbing me.

Why is this happening to me? I know this place is not ideal to build a family because of the lack of school and hospital nearby but I couldn't do anything about it.

Unchained his heartWhere stories live. Discover now