Chapter Eighty

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Sam's POV

"Ow!" I hiss in pain for the fifth time in a row.

"Well if you stopped moving around it wouldn't hurt so much." Ellie scolded as she pressed a wet gauze gently on my head where I banged it.

"You needa stop being a pussy, that's what ya gotta stop doin'."Merle chuckled slightly.

I glare at him out of the corner of my eye. I glance the other way and see Maggie and Glenn cuddled up, kissing and holding eachother. I feel my heart begin to hurt. That should be me and Beth. I miss her so much.

"There. That should do." Ellie says squeezing my shoulder slightly as she stands up and walks away with the first aid kit. Merle shuffles towards me and wraps an arm around my shoulder, I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh.


"What?" I ask confused and tilt my head to look at him.

"You want to cry. So cry." He says.

"I want to do more than just cry." I mumble and snuggle closer into him.

"You want to scream. Shout. Punch things. Hurt people." He says, his voice wobbling slightly.

I remove myself from his grip and look at him, a single tear rolls down his cheek and he quickly wipes it away. I have never seen Merle like this before and it's hurting me. He's like an older brother to me. He's my family.

"Merle?" I say gently and put my hand on his shoulder.

"I failed as a brother. I couldn't protect him. I was a coward...I...I just left him, because I was scared." He carries on, trying to fight back tears.

I grab his hand and hold it, showing him that I'm here for him.

"What happend at the prison...You couldn't have stopped it...You didn't fail. I know this, Daryl knows this. Everyone knows this."

"I'm not talkin' 'bout the prison...I'm talking 'bout before all this...With our dead beat of a father...I should have killed the bastard...I should have protected my brother more, but I didn't. I failed." Merle is on the verge of breaking down, I quickly wrap my arms around him in a tight hug and hold him as his body shakes with his sobbing. I bite my lip and try to fight back my own tears.

"You'll be okay Merle, your Dad is dead. He can't hurt you or Daryl now. You're both tough men. Nothing will hurt you. Nothing will kill you. You're both Dixons for fuck sake."

Merle pulls away and nods his head quickly and wipes eyes and face.

"You're right." He says, his voice coming out slightly husky.

"I'm always right." I wink and laugh.

Merle let's out a deep breath and lays his head back and closes his eyes. I do the same and smile.

Suddenly, a loud scream is heard outside of the tunnel and all my mind can go to is Amy...


It's happend again. I let my guard down and now I've lost someone else I love with all that I am...But this time it's Beth.

I stand up quickly and grab my crossbow and run outside, ignoring Glenn, Maggie, Merle and Ellie telling me to stop.

I see walkers surrounding her and I aim my crossbow and fire an arrow through it's head, there's not many so I dig for my knife in my boot and begin to stab them in their heads, ignoring when some blood splattered all over my hand.

I take down the last walker and with a smile on my face I turn around, my smile quickly falls and I raise my crossbow at three young women.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I yell angerd that none of them are my girl, none of them even look like Beth.

"Please help, my sister...She...She..She got bit." One of the older women says as she holds up the youngest.

I notice the bite mark on her arm, and there's only one thing to do to possibly save her life.

"Lay her down." I order and she does as I say. "You got anything to wrap around her upper arm? Like a belt or something?" I ask quickly. The other woman nods her head and unbuckles her belt and hands it to me.

"SAM! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Ellie yells...She's so fucking pissed.

"Saving a life." I snap and tie the belt around the young girls upper arm. "What's your name?" I ask with a small smile as I notice Merle kneels down beside me and hands me a small axe.

"Dani." She whimpers.

"Hi Dani. I'm Sam, and I'm not gonna lie...This is gonna hurt like a fucking bitch." I say before quickly raising my arm and bringing the axe down on her arm. Dani screams out in pain and the two other women hold eachother and cry.

"Almost done Dani. Stay with me." I say nearly out of breath. With one last hack, her lower arm releases itself from her and her cries of pain slowly fade as she passes out.

I wipe my forhead and without thinking, take my jacket and shirt off and press my shirt  against her, where the lower half of her arm used to be.

I get pulled up quickly and I turn around slowly, Ellie is stood there with her arms crossed. I look away and walk towards the two women.

"Will she be okay?"

"I don't know...It worked before on one of our group...So we'll just have to see..If...Or when she wakes up."

"I'm Lisa. This is mine and Dani's sister Lauren." Lisa says as she wipes her eyes.

"I'm Sam..That's Ellie." I tilt my head in Ellie's direction. "And that's Merle." I say pointing to Merle who is knelt on the grounding press the shirt tightly against the stub.

By now the rest of the group have appeared and we're stood under the moon light, I wrap my arms around my body, the night air and my lack of upper body clothing making me cold.

"Here." Lisa says and kneels down and digs through a bag and hands me a baggy shirt. "You can keep it too...As a way of thanks...Plus I doubt you'll be wearing that shirt again." She chuckles.

I take the shirt from her and nod my head. I quickly put it on and reach for my jacket, putting that on too.

"You can't stay with us. Once she wakes up you can all fuck off again." Ellie says walking over and crossing her arms.

"Ellie!" I gasp and nudge her with my elbow slightly.

"Ellie you can't do that. That young girl won't be able to survive with just the three of them." Maggie says walking over.

"What a shame. I really don't care. They're not our problem. Certainly not mine."

"What happend to you Ellie?" I sigh.

"What happend to me?! WHAT HAPPEND TO ME?! I LOST THE MAN I LOVE AND I LOST OUR CHILD!!" She yells before storming off.

I sigh and look at Lauren and Lisa.

"There's something about you that makes me trust you...I don't know what it is, but if I'm wrong I won't hesitate to put an arrow through both of your heads...Understand?"

They both nod slowly and I nod my head too.

"Let me go talk to Ellie then." I smile before walking off back into the tunnel.

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