Natsu x Reader Excuses

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"Hey, did you hear? There's a new member of Fairy Tail." People whispered within the crowds as Natsu was on his way back from a job. He's been hearing all sorts of stories about a new member of Fairy Tail.

"Really? What's his power?"
"He's a healer. He's one of the most powerful healers there is.... If only he knew how to use his powers"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, he has absolutely no control over his powers so he usually just guesses what to do, resulting in himself getting hurt."

"Do you think he'll be cool?!" Happy asked Natsu.
"Of course he will be! Since he'll be friends with me, he'll definitely be cool!" Natsu said overconfident.

Natsu had gotten all excited from the news of a new member. New member= new friend. He burst into Fairy Tail to see that there was a very big crowd around the bar.

"Would you like a drink (Name)?" Natsu heard Mirajane say from inside the crowd.

"Wait... (name) is a girls name isn't it?" Happy whispered to Natsu.
"Yeah..." Natsu replied with a weird face.

"Uhh... no thank you, I don't drink" Natsu heard a high pitched voice reply.

Natsu and Happy looked at each other. "That's WAY too high pitched to be a guy!" Happy said.

Natsu was already ahead of Happy and was pushing through the crowd. When he finally burst through it he stopped dead in his tracks. There, sitting right in front of him was not a guy... but a girl.

"Of course she doesn't drink-"

"YOU'RE A GIRL???!!!" Happy interrupted after he finally got through the crowd.

"You're a flying cat?!" You asked smiling wide. "Wow! You're so cute!" You said hugging Happy. Happy had a perverted face on while hugging you.

Natsu felt a tinge of jealousy against Happy but otherwise stood speechless.

"Natsu! Meet our newest member (Name)" Mirajane introduced.

"Oh hello, is this your uh... cat?" You asked.

"..." Natsu had never seen a prettier girl in his life.

"Hi! My name is Happy!" Happy introduced. "And this is my partner Natsu!"

"NOT partner partners uh... just partners in crime eh... we just... go on jobs together...yeah..." Natsu said not concentrating on what he was saying.

Everyone gave Natsu a weird look except (Name).

You giggled "Ok then. Oh, where will I be working?" You said turning your attention back to Mirajane much to Natsu's annoyance.

"You'll be working just down that hallway over there, Natsu can show you the way... right Natsu?" Mirajane asked with a knowing smile.

"Yeah! I mean- ok that's cool..." Natsu said trying to act tougher.

"Thank you!" You said standing up. Natsu took your wrist and practically dragged you down the hallway. His skin was much warmer than normal people.

He dragged you to the door at the end of the hallway and then opened it for you while still keeping a grip on your wrist. He placed his hands on your shoulders.

"So how do you like it?!" Natsu asked.

"Its great, there's so much space!" You exclaimed. You were powerful at healing, you matched Poluchka-san's skill but unfortunately you have no idea how to use your powers. Your spells usually backfire causing you to get injured while trying to heal your patient.

-Time Skip-

You fitted in well at Fairy Tail. You had a few patients here and there but none could match the amount of times Natsu had visited. Nearly every day he would come with a new excuse for being 'injured'. From the smallest paper cuts to the biggest of bruises, he would always come for every little injury.

Natsu One Shots *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now