Natsu x Reader Fluff

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You hand a rough day at the Fairy tail Guild and to make matters worse you had gotten into a fight with Gray. He used that freakin Ice Make skill on you leaving you freezing cold and on the verge of hypothermia. Gray then felt bad and wanted to help you get better but you insisted on him leaving you alone. You faught a hard journey to your house ready to settle down near a warm fire. Finally reaching your front door you struggled getting out the right keys to unlock the door. Pushing hard and stumbling into your house you find Natsu mindlessly rummaging through your hidden box of stashed candy and Happy munching on your fish you put out to thaw for dinner. He looked up at you plainly with a finished lollipop stick sticking out of the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"(Name)! I found you secret box of sweets hope you don't mind me having some." he cheerfully stated.

"Aye!!!!" Happy squeaked.

Anger surfaced inside like magma ready to burst in to lava. No, you weren't mad because Natsu was in your house or that happy was eating your fish they did it all the time. Though you despise their snooping. You were angry because natsu was in your beloved box of chocolates, sugar cubes, and candies. As cold as you were you slammed the door locked it and went limp running towards Him at full speed (as fast as you could on 1 1/2 of a foot). At the last minute he looked up with wide eyes and stick falling lifelessly out of his mouth. You were flying through the air 1 second away from tackling him away from your sweets.A muffled cry passed through his lips as you crash landed onto his figure. Mintues of wrestling over dominance lasted for what seemed like eternity. Though you put up a good fight but Natsu won he always did.His hands were pinning your arms on both sides of your head and his lower body straddled yours. He looked down at you in humor then his expression changed to worry.

He was examining your face and lips, arms and hands. They were practically blue. Your were also shivering under him like a cat stuck in the snow.

" how",*shiver*, " could you", *shiver*," eat my precious candy!" You gasped at Natsu.

Tears rolled down your face because of the loss of beautiful candy souls.His fingers brushed your tears surprised that they were ice cold as well as your body.

"Aye!!! Why is (name) crying?" Happy questioned.

Your body was getting weaker and weaker colder and colder. Natsu knew this cold it was Gray's but he would never hurt you so he wondered why you scarred the burden of his physical ice make. He hated to see you that way shivering,struggling, fighting and he knew how to fix you so he did. Waves of heat radiated off of his body draining into your own, bringing his warmth and lending it to you. Your shivers lowered and your skin slowly faded back into its original color. Soon you regained strength.

Natsu helped you up sat you in front of a fresh fire then rapped his scarf around your neck. It was truly warm and you nuzzled your head into it sitting criss- cross-apple-sause (lol)while squeezing Happy who was nibbling on fish bones. Natsu snickered at the scene while he pulled the box of candies over to the sitting area in front of the blazing heat.Moments passed and he had gone through 5 pieces of candy on his 6th one you grabbed his hand and pulled it up to your mouth. Your teeth capture the chocolate that was pinched between his fingers that was slowly melting. After licking those gooy chocolate left overs from his digits you set his hand on to Happy's sleeping head. You were still completely fazed by your wearing off hypothermia, unaware of the tender looks Natsu had been giving you ,yet you knew what you were doing but, you were doing them recklessly.

"Natsu...." He looked up at you,and you buried your head into his scarf again inhaling his sent deeply, " why does a fire burn orange and red?" Your words were muffled but he understood the question.

The dark room gave off an eerie glow as you both sat in silence waiting for an answer. He looked back into the fire staring blankly and let his hand fall from happy's head, but you snatched it up holding it close getting his attention again. You turned to face him.


He looked at you with bored eyes and they met with your absent low lidded ones.

"Because they are welcoming colors and a fire welcomes all."He replied lamely.

You scooted closer.

"That means things will burn." you added

"but a fire needs things to burn so that it can grow. Even if the fire destroys things.....they will stay in its heart." he stared at you.

"Am i in your heart Natsu?" You asked while putting your head deeper into his scarf and squeezing Happy a little tighter.

Silence ravished the air he looked back into the fire and took your hand into his.

"yes." He whispered.

"your in mine too." You sighed and turned your head to the fire.

Time flew by but neither of your were tired. You sat with his hand in yours staring into a flaming frenzy. The cold kicked in again and this concerned you. why were you still cold, You've been sitting in front of the fire for ages. A tickle crept up the back of your nose causing you to sneeze. You sniffled and turned to Natsu again. He looked at you and furrowed his eye brows studying your chilled figure.

"Your lips are blue (name)." He stated worried.

"Im still cold ,I feel ARTIC." you yell throwing both hands in the air including Natsu's.

He smiled. You leaned forward making happy roll out of your lap and onto the floor.

"ayeeeee." he said in his sleep cuddling with the dead fish.

Natsu looked down at happy grinning.

"Can you keep me warm Natsu?"you muttered into his ear.

He quickly looked up at you and fell into your gaze. Getting on your hands and knees you walk closer and sit impenetrably close to him. Sticking your neck out from the scarf you move in towards his face. He glanced at your blue cold lips. He hated that color. It reminded him of Gray and he didn't want Gray's color lingering to your lips. Determined to make them the red they were before, he took your lips into his. Flames blazed through your veins. Burning embers blossomed in your stomach. Natsu's soft burning lips moved lovingly across your frosty ones. His scorching tongue danced with yours. Twirling and twisting in whirling circles. Succulent taste of the ambling sweets from before made you want more. Pushing deeper and tangling your fingers into his pink hair you gasped for air but he only gave you a second of breath. He attacked your mouth kissing you slowly but hard, biting your bottom lip dragging it out sluggishly while looking into your eyes and stroked your cheek. You buried your face deep into his scarf again, blushing wildly.The blue had disappeared.

Natsu smiled and pulled you against his hard chest hugging and touching you in all the right places.

"Am I keeping you warm enough (name)?"he whispered into your ear.

You nod silently and lace his fingers with yours and the crackle of the flaring licks of heat slowly put you to sleep in his arms.


~LeslyIsHere OUT 💯💯💯✔✔✔

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