15 | "If You Say So."

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She preceded on removing arm sling, then started unwrapping the bandage that covered his arm. When she was done, she stood up and got something in her handbag. "Here," she said.

"What's that?"

"A basic cookbook. From now on, you start cooking your meals. You can't possibly just rely on me for you food. I'm not your elf."

"No, thanks," he said, standing up as well. "I'm going to sleep."

From behind him, he could hear her sigh. He sauntered up the stairs, banging his door shut.

Hermione looked up at the stairs, glaring. Sitting down, she removed her scarf, and slept on the couch, shivering in the cold.

Sometime during the middle of the night, Draco Malfoy got up because of the thunder, and also because of the cold. He sauntered downstairs, careful not to wake her up, and placed a blanket on top of her. He had even brought the fireplace come back to life, the flames moving like tongues to warm her up.

You can never know.

The thunderstorm was roaring outside, the constant lightning illuminating her face. Draco quickly turned away from her, his eyes settling onto the cookbook on top of the table.

He took it, and read it all throughout the night.

- - - - - - - - - -

The storm left Wiltshire a few hours later, the morning cloudy and wet. Hermione slowly opened her eyes, blinking the murkiness away. Her eyes scanned the room, remembering that she had slept the night at the Manor.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes. The blanket fell from her shoulder, and she looked at it in surprise. "How?" she started to say, wondering. Bile formed in the back of the throat as she dismissed the fact that it was Malfoy who put it over her.

It can't be.

An aromatic smell filled the room, causing her stomach to growl in hunger. She stood up and walked to the direction of the kitchen, feeling very confused.

"Harry?" She asked out loud. "You there?"

Nobody responded, but the aroma from the kitchen was trying to summon her. She took a careful step forward, fiddling for her wand.

"Ah, bloody hell!" Someone shouted.

Hermione ran after the voice, and surprise stopped her in her tracks.

It was Malfoy. Cooking.

"What are you doing?" She marveled, lowering her wand.

He desperately tried to fish the omelette from the pan with the use of the spatula. Beads of sweat trickled from his hairline, and hot oil jumped out to burn him.

"Let me do it." She walked towards him and tried to grab the spatula to save the poor omelette. Draco pushed her away from the stove, his eyebrows knitted.

"I'm trying to focus here," he muttered. "Let me do it."

Hermione exhaled, swallowing. Her eyes were dilated and her lips were slightly parted, as if about to say something. She stared at him, then at the cookbook that was laid out open at the countertop.

She felt a smile forming, but she bit her lip to stop it. It was certainly hilarious to see Malfoy trying to cook, and so she immediately left the kitchen so just he wouldn't see her chuckling.

Minutes later, just after she had finished setting the table, Malfoy emerged from the kitchen, sulking and muttering sheepishly. Hermione's eyes looked down at the somewhat burned omelette and sausages. He set it down the table and folded his arms, sitting down at his usual seat.

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