13 | She Who Must Not Be Named

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Song: "Baby What's Wrong?" by Whitehorse. Man, it has the best intro for the end of this chapter. ;)

13 | She Who Must Not Be Named

4:15 p.m.

"So who is that under your bum, mate?"

"My bum?" Draco said, his face full of denial. "Nothing's on my bum, Zabini."

"Not on your bum, you tosspot. Under your bum," he laughed. Blaise still stood in front of his friend whom he dearly missed; though he's never really one to verbalize out sentimental things.

Draco scoffed at him defiantly. "Nothing's under my bum."

"And your face is totally saying the complete opposite."

Blaise sat on Draco's bed, which earned him a scowl. He sighed at him, looking around his bedroom. "You don't have to hide anything from me, Malfoy." 

"I've hidden a lot of things from you."

"Well, you don't have to hide this one from me. This...secret that you have."

"You wouldn't understand."

"Oh, really?" Blaise looked at him in the eye. "Try me."


"Why the bloody hell not? This secret is a big time secret. And the fact that you've ripped out that picture from the yearbook towards the end of our fifth year in the Slytherin boys' room—"

Draco stood up. "You saw that?"

"The next time you're about to do something secretive, Draco, learn how to make sure that the door is closed." Blaise gave him a crooked smile. "And locked. For extra security measures."

He looked at his friend with such horror, but Draco knew that there was no point in denying it. Blaise had already seen him.

He cleared his throat and sat back down, fiddling with his arm sling. "When I left the room, did you, uh, check whose picture—"

"Yes, Draco."

He tried to keep a straight face, looking as grim as ever. "So you know who it is?"

His friend nodded. "I know that it's—"

Draco quickly covered his mouth with the palm of his hand, looking at him angrily. "Keep it down to a dull roar, will you?"

He held up his hands in surrender, apparently too worried that his pretty face will soon be covered in bruises if he tries to tease him more.

Malfoy reluctantly removed his hand from his mouth, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Alright, mate." Blaise told him, heaving a sigh. "She Who Must Not Be Named, then?"

He looked at his friend with a horrified look, apparently not happy about the pun that Zabini had just pulled off; but he slumped his shoulders anyway and nodded.

"Yes. She Who Must Not Be Named."

- - - - - - - - - -

7:01 p.m.

Draco and Blaise spent the next couple of hours in his bedroom. Talking. Blaise talked about his recent trip to Ireland. He went there for pure business only, carrying on meetings with the Irish ambassadors.

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