Chapter 7

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I came home to an empty house once again, my mom was staying with my grandma again. I didnt mind though I enjoyed being home alone. It was already night so I figured I could take a shower and call it a night.

My shower didnt last as long as they normally do which was fine because it gave me time to blowdry my hair. I changed into some black sweats and a white tank top put on my black slippers. I decided to make a sandwhich and watch tv for a while. It had been a while since I last just relaxed and watched a movie. Just as I was about to take a bite of my sandwhich, black fog appeared next to me on the couch and Grim slowly took solid form beside me.

"So what are we watching?" he asked casually.

"Boondock Saints, its one of my favorites." I answered right before I took a bite, I was more hungry then I thought.

"Cool" he said but paying no attention to the TV. His body was turned facing me and I could feel him looking at me.

"What?" I asked a bit nervously.

"Nothing I just like watching you." he answerd.

"what the heck why?" I asked sarcastically

"Because who wouldnt want to watch a beautiful girl stuff her face with food," he said with a smirk.

"whatever" I said laughing taking another big bite.

We sat sat there in silence until I was done eating, it didnt take very long. I walked to the kitchen to wash my plate and cup, Grim followed. He sat at the table while I dried the dishes and put them back in their place. When I was done I took a seat next to him.

 "So how do you kill people exactly?" I asked

"Geez you make it sound like I'm some murderer" he said with a half smile.

"You know what I mean" I retorted.

"Well," he started, "I get assigned to a certain subject, I go to where ever they are in the world, and take them its as simple as that" he said. I gave him an irritated look.

"Are you really gonna insist on having this depressing conversation?" he asked. I just crossed my arms and continued to look at him. "Yes of course you are," he said with a defeated half smile.

"Alright, you win," he said with a sigh "my job isnt a complicated one or anything, it always starts out different but it all ends the same."

"What do you mean" I asked intriugued.

"Well it could be a car accident, shooting, or a health disease, but in the end its all the same. When they see me they know whats coming next, most are scared, but some have already accepted it and are just sad to leave there family. I try to make them feel as peaceful as possible. Sure the reason they are in the situation can be very painful depending on what happened, but the death, its painfree and somewhat relieving."

"How do you do it?" I asked

"I just walk next to them and hold there hand, some have even reached out to me."

"What happens after that?"

"Well my body acts as a vessel. When im done taking the soul I came for, I take it to the big guy ustairs, he then takes the soul out of me and he prepares them for their judgement."

"So do you know what happens to them after they're taken from you?"

"No, like I said, I was created for one thing and one thing only, I have no reason to have to know what happens to them afterwards."

"So you cant tell me what happened to my dad?"

He loooked down, "no, Im sorry Lexi, I wish I did."

In Love with Death *A Grim Reaper Story*Where stories live. Discover now