Chapter 2

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I laughed a bit. "Excuse me?" I said unconvinced.

"I know I don't have a long dark cloak or a huge scythe, but that would be a little cliché don't you think?" he said with a small smile. I gave him a sarcastic look. "If you don't believe me that's fine, but think about it, how many people do you know that can vanish out of thin air? Why do you think I can't touch you?"

"It'll kill me?" I asked a little sad.

"I do tend to have a deadly touch" he said holding his hand up.

"That's also a little cliché." I said. He laughed a bit at that also.

"Touché." He simply said.

"So am I going to die? Or can anyone see you?" I asked nervously.

"If you were going to die I would have taken you long before our conversation started, but no not anyone can see me only the ones whose time has run out." he said.

"Then why can I see you?" I asked

He stepped closer to me his face inches from mine, he was so close I could feel his breath on my mouth.

"That my dear is a subject for later. Trust me you don't need to hear this right now." he whispered. I couldn't move or speak. He stayed looking at my face as though if he were trying to memorize it. He half smiled at me as I noticed the black fog rising. I realized it meant he was about to leave.

"Wait, does that mean I get to see you again?" I was finally able to ask out loud. He smiled a full smile and reached down to take my cigarette from my hand without making any contact with me. I had completely forgotten I was smoking it, it burned all the way down to the filter.

"You shouldn't smoke these, they kill people. Believe me I would know," he said flicking to the road, "I believe your ride is here." he said pointing across the street.

I tuned seeing the cab pull up. I turned back to him, not wanting him to leave, but he was already fading into the black fog. His eyes were the last thing I saw. I sighed and started to walk toward the parked cab.


It was very depressing coming back to my empty house. I wondered around aimlessly. All I could think about was my dad. He was gone. He was never going to come back. A lump formed in my throat and my stomach began to twist in knots. I couldn't break down, I had to stay strong. I took a few deep breaths and went back to my bedroom to take a shower. I undressed and stpped into to tub. The hot water relaxed my tense muscles, I stayed until the hot water ran cold.

I towel dried my hair, changed into my pajama pants and a black tank top and I brushed my teeth. Before going to bed I grabbed my iPod then laid under my covers closing my eyes, letting m. shadows' voice flood my ears. I listened to the whole album and I was still no closer to falling asleep then I was when I first laid down.

I suddenly felt a cool breeze on my face. I remembered my door and small window was closed. I opened my eyes to see him sitting at my desk hands behind his head half smiling with the black fog resting beneath him.

"Hey lexi" he said still smirking.

"Um hey" I said, sitting up indian style. I looked over to the clock, it was almost 8 in the morning. "wait how did you know my name?" He looked away trying to ignore the question I assumed.

"Sorry about bailing earlier, I had uh, business to attend to" he said.

"Business, as in you went to kill more people" I said.

"It's not how it sounds you know, it's not like I have a choice in all of this." he said no longer smiling.

"So you didn't have a choice when you took my father then did you?" I asked looking at the hem of my cover.

"Well, to be honest, I actually did have a choice in that one" he said.

My head shot up. "WHAT?! THEN WHY DID YOU TAKE HIM!" I yelled throwing my iPod at him. He dodged it but I came close.

"Please I'll explain everything once you've had rest. It's a bit much to take in." he said holding his hands up as if he were surrendering.

"How can I just forget about it?! He was my dad! How could you!" I exclaimed standing up wanting to tackle him. Before I knew it he was on the other side of the room. I wanted to burst into tears. "Why would you take him if you didn't have to?" I said my eyes starting to water. I cleanched my jaw as hard as I could to keep the tears in. He was in front of me once more.

"Look at me," I stood there arms crossed refusing to listen, "Lexi, please look at me." he pleaded

I kept my arms crossed, but still looked up giving into him. I looked straight into his eyes losing myself.

"I promise I'll explain everything, once you have had time to rest. Come on lay back down." he said motioning with his hand to tell me to lie back in bed. "Lexi I know this is a hard time for you but trust me, you need rest."

I laid back in bed him kneeling on one knee to look at me. He raised his hand to my face but once again never touching me. He let out a small sigh and covered me with my blanket.

"Before you leave, I need to know what to call you." I said yawning.

He chuckled lightly, "I suppose Grim will do" he answered.

"Nice to meet you Grim." I said closing my eyes.

"The pleasure is all mine Lexi" he whispered. With that I fell asleep.

In Love with Death *A Grim Reaper Story*Where stories live. Discover now