Chapter 3

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I woke up to my phone ringing. It was my best friend Josh calling. I answered with my sleepy voice.

"Hello?" I said letting out a long yawn.

"Hey, sorry I didn’t mean to wake you." Josh said.

"It's okay," I said as I looked at the clock, it was almost 4 in the afternoon, "I had to wake up anyway. You at work?"

"Yeah I'm on my break. How you holdin up?" he asked. Of course he knew by now I thought to myself.

"I don’t know dude, it’s all still shocking, I just really don’t know what to feel. You know how my relationship was with him."

"Yeah, but just know I’m here for you okay."

"Okay." I said

"Well I gotta head back, but I'll stop by later is that cool?" he asked.

"Yea that’s fine, later Josh"

"Bye." he said hanging up.

I got outa bed changing outa my pajama pants into a pair of skinny jeans, I left on my tank top, and threw on some converse. I washed my face and brushed my teeth trying to prepare for the day.

I walked up the stairs into the kitchen closing the door behind me. My mom was sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee.

"Hey mom, sorry I didn’t stay with you this morning, the nurse told me to leave, um, how are you holding up?" I asked.

"Oh it’s alright sweetheart, I'd rather you be home resting, you always tend to stress too much." she said taking my hand in hers ignoring my question. I couldn’t blame her.

"I have to go to the funeral home, are you gonna be alright here by yourself for a while?" she asked standing, and reaching for her keys.

"Yeah I'll be fine. You want me to come with you?" I asked.

"No" she said quickly, "Its fine"

I just nodded realizing she probably just wanted to be alone for a while before she had to deal with all the arrangements.

I walked her out locking the front door behind her.

"Hey beautiful." a voice came from behind me.

"JESUS!" I screamed.

"Not quite" Grim said smirking.

"Whatever, you scared the crap out of me." I said clutching my chest.

He stepped closer to me looking deep into my eyes, our foreheads almost touching.

"I’m sorry" he said, turning to walk to the kitchen then taking a seat at the counter where my mother previously was. I followed heading to the coffee pot to pour my own cup.

"So I'm rested now. Will you explain to me whatever it is that needs to be explained to me" I said not facing him just yet.

"You sure you're rested enough?" he asked.

I finally turned and sat across from him. "Grim, you promised" I said giving him a slightly angry look.

"Okay okay," he said holding his hands up. "I will be completely honest with you, anything you want know I will tell you nothing but the truth."

"Okay, why did you take my dad when you didn’t have to?" I simply asked.

"He told me to" he answered.

"Wait what? Why?!”

“Okay listen to me Lexi, last night I wasn’t coming for your father, I was coming for you.”

My head started to spin, “What do you mean, th-that I was, that I was supposed to be the one to die?”

Grim nodded standing in front of me now, “It’s why you can see me, only the ones on my list are suppose to see me.” He paused for a second then sighed and continued. “You see once you’re on my list I can’t just not take a life, your father asked me to take his life instead of yours.” My head was spinning so much I thought I was drunk.

“But how could he see you if it wasn’t his time?” I asked

“He didn’t technically see me,” he answered.

“Huh?” I asked confused still dizzy.

“Your father had paranormal abilities, but he never knew of them until last night." he started to explain as he went back to his seat. "He felt my presence but he didn’t see me, however he did know what I was here for, he stopped me right before I headed into your room, he made his offer and I accepted, he had only one request.”

“Which was?” I asked

“To have the chance to tell your mother he loved her one last time" he said quietly.

“That’s why he died in my mother’s arms” I whispered. A tear slid down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

“I am truly sorry for this Lexi.” He said his head hanging.

"Don’t be, it’s not like it’s your fault." I said pushing aside my feelings. "Can you explain something else for me though?"

"Anything doll." he answered.

"Why did you take his offer? Why didn’t you just stick to your original plan and kill me instead of my dad?" I asked.

He stayed silent for a few seconds before he answered.

"Honestly, I'm really not quite sure. You see I study my subjects a few hours before ending their life, and when I was watching you, I don't know, I guess I couldn’t imagine ending your life."

"Why not?" I asked not really sure if I wanted an answer. He looked away.

"I've been asking myself that very same question ever since last night." he answered.

It stayed quiet a few moments before I asked another question. "Why do you watch people before you take them?"

"Humans fascinate me, it amazes me how much one life can affect the lives of others in such a bizarre way. Well not every life, sometimes a person can die and not one person will ever know or care."

"That’s depressing not fascinating" I said.

"I suppose, but even the most heartbreaking events can amaze someone who is not human and will never experience something like that." He said as he stood from his seat. "Well as much as I would love to stay and chat I have to go, duty calls."

"Will you come back?" I asked as I stood up too.

He smiled and shook his head.

"Doll, you not supposed to want me to come back you supposed to fear me like everyone else." He said chuckling slightly.

"Well I guess I'm not like everyone else." I retorted.

He stepped closer to me as the black fog came. He bore his silver eyes into mine, his lips only inches from mine.

"No, you're nothing at all like anyone else." he said as he stepped back fading away completely.

In Love with Death *A Grim Reaper Story*Where stories live. Discover now