Radhika was still frowning at the said package, now daintily perched in her hand, when the young boy blessed her with his honest compliment. She smiled and thanked him before closing the door.

When she un-wrapped the tiny beautiful silver package, what she found inside took her breath away.

Sitting idly inside, dying to be worn were five stunning golden glass bangles. With a note, that read,

They will glint like rays of sunlight in your elegant arms, wear them and add to my sunshine.


Her heart in a breathless moment took a slow roll in her chest. Darn it! He wasn't supposed to be charming, he was the ruthless man with whom as she had just decided, she take out her pent up frustration and then before giving him an opportunity to break her heart, she would break his and swiftly, move on. 

Wasn't he supposed to give her large, expensive rubies and sapphires, the ones she could, would throw back at him calling him a big snob but what she had not expected were simple, priceless, close to her heart items like glass bangles......Darn it! He was playing unfair. Really unfair. 

But she wasn't called an ice -princess for nothing. She wouldn't melt and oh my....those bangles. Gosh! It wouldn't hurt to try them on just this once and maybe....just maybe...wear them for the evening. After all, they went superbly with her dress.

No, there was no place for feelings, even if those bangles did manage to melt her a bit but that's it. She glanced at the glittering bangles in her hand and decided she would be firm, yes, very, very firm. 

She was the predator and she was going for the final sensuous kill. 


As Radhika moved in the hall, she stopped to take in the atmosphere. It was a striking sight, the hall glittered and she was sure would touch everyone's hearts. The spread of small round tables with golden tissue table clothes and chairs provided it a classy look, warranted for such occasions. The music was just right, a sweet beat with a steady rhythm, careful enough to let people mingle and converse.

She loved the congenial ambiance.

She let her gaze waver around, feigning ignorance about the key objectivity of her heart that was reeling in on one delicious man. Sigh! She couldn't see him anywhere but recognised few people from the meeting dispersed in the room. 

Why would she care about others? Where the hell was he? She dressed stupidly for him, wasn't he supposed to inform her if he was ditching the party?

Well, was she expected to get a date? Damn! Why did she always mess up these fruitless things? Was he getting a date? .....Her heart sunk a bit at that thought, after all she debated with herself, he was a free man; there were no promises, no bond between them. 

Lost in her thoughts, Radhika glanced when she noted that her path was being blocked by a tall.....man.

"Radhika, may I say you look gorgeous," Ethan grinned at her, trying to charm her with his smile.

Nice try, Radhika thought but you have nothing on the man whose smile makes my heart loosen up and take a crazy spin.

"Hello, Mr. Mc Cain, Thank you," she tried to diffuse the seemingly awkward vibes with her smile.

"Call me Ethan, care to join me?" He asked, wickedness, not the kind that made her head turn into mush rather the one that made her want to punch him, gleamed in his offering eyes.

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